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My Thoughts on the site/mods/everything


Perhaps none of you really care, but I just need to get this stuff out here.


The Site:


This is one hell of a tracking site. Ioi has gone to great lengths to gather the data he does, and in the process he’s made some friends/connections with different companies and retailers around the world. That can do nothing but help him/this site in the long run, and I must say, kudos for that. To even attempt something like this is nothing short of astounding.


With that being said, with rising stardom comes rising criticisms. Even if ioi was off by one console or one software title, he’d be criticized and asked why his numbers were so off. I can see why he defending himself from the comments in the Bitbag article, but not every little whiny twit needs to be responded to. Save the defense for the people who can spell and are articulate.


The mods:


You know, at first I had a problem with a couple of them, but looking back at it, I don’t think it really matters. I think they’ll be set straight enough to do their jobs without too much of an issue.


There’s still one thing about maturity though. One new mod needs to learn to pick his battles a little better, and not get too high and mighty on his new mod throne. I realized a couple were picked for their particular fanboyisms, and they were told to at least keep it in check, but you can never take the trailer park out of the girl, that’s all I’m sayin’.




Nintendo wins this holiday season as PS3 and Wii pick up early ’08. Microsoft falls behind until they can find another FPS worth advertising. Quote it. It’s coming.


Currently playing: Civ 6