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memory2zack said:
I never required any sort of grinding just for the sake of leveling up except for post-end dungeons and bosses. Unless you don't thoroughly explore the dungeons and towns, you'll never need any level grinding. Some people just plainly suck at JRPGs, they should admit it. Just like I admit I suck at FPS.

WRPGs don't require grinding when you fuck up? Oh yes they surely do. Let's take the example of Fallout 3 which I'm finishing up. In the beginning of the game you're very limited. You can't repair any of your weapons and armors well enough yourself. They cost lots of caps to repair. If you play the good guy, you can't pickpocket any of the citizens (they don't have much caps anyway). What to do? Grinding. Also, if you don't thoroughly explore the 'dungeons' and don't search every corpse, desk, box, etc you'll run into trouble. Then someone might say :' Man I have to do some level grinding...' yet level grinding in Fallout is totally useless and takes ages to level up.

Level caps annoy me, they take the principal mechanic of RPGs out. Without it, you play a less exciting game.

Fallout 3 does not force anyone to grind along some area just before facing a boss, it requires certain levels to achieve certain skills but you're gaining those levels through natural progress of your character, and exploration of the world. Fallout allows you to go nearly anywhere you want from the beginning thats why you cant really "mess up this game". You dont have to search every place, othere are only few items required to finish game and they usually in most visible places. 

In most of WRPG's such  as Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale or Neverwinter Nights level cap is usually reach by the character in the end of the game thats how those games are designed.

I know  i suck at FPS's but JRPG's ? Well i just dont like elements which bore me and waste my time.