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I read a book once for four straight days. The thing is, I only get tired during the night....if I can make it through the night, I automatically make it through the next day. But, on the last day, it was like 5 o clock on the fourth or fifth day, and my balance and equilibrium started screwing with me, and I started to feel like I had a fever....felt totally whacked out. I was at the mall or some crap, and not being able to walk straight despite not being on any drugs was kind of freaking me out, so I went to bed/sleep as soon as I got home, haven't gone longer than two days since. And that was like 4 years ago.


Your brain can see whatever it wants....if it apparently wants to see things that freak the living shit out of you, then that's what you're going to see.....and your heart isn't going to be any better for it, let me tell you.