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pro life. People have a choice before they engage in sex. And for the rarer cases that they don't, such as rape, there is a couple of weeks period after the act during which many embryos are naturally miscarriaged and not formed that you can take proactive measures to ensure that you don't get pregnant. If the person still waits too long, then that is again, their choice.

The point is that they have options to choose from at some point in the line. Not that they are allowed to do whatever they want at any stage they want. Once a person has decided to have a chance at having a baby, then they have decided to allow that chance to occur. You don't go to a restaurant, order your meal, eat it, and then spit it back up and demand something else just because you changed your mind. Once its put into motion, it should be a done deal.

What we NEED to do is make sure that people and kids know all of the implications of having sex and help people understand that being raped is nothing to be ashamed of. So that they can come forward confidently.  We need to show kids the results of poor sexual decisions, not on a dry erase board, but rather by taking them to poor single family homes, shelters, and on other field trips that make sure they have the knowledge engrained into their conscious. Show them how hard getting a degree or living a fulfilling life is when you put so much pressure and responsibility on yourself at such a young age.  We shouldn't teach that they can do whatever they want and everything is going to be ok somehow. Life doesn't work that way and we shouldn't give anybody that impression simply because our lives are much more convenient than they were 100 yrs ago.