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stewacide said: That makes no sense. There are so many because it's the perfect platform. Wii Sports tennis is great, but Virtua Tennis / Tennis 2K is still my fav'. Sega looks increasingly like a Nintendo second party anyways: not bring VT to the Wii is just nonsense... moreover because that game doesn't seem to benefit from 'next gen' graphics anyhow (T2K looked effectively photorealictic on the Dreamcast! To me the new PS3/360 one looks somehow slightly *worse*, only now in HD)
I agree, but as the Wii sales userbase grows so too will their development priorities become more diversified. (as BenKenobi said) Instead of simply Sonic & Nights type titles, thank the gaming Gods! Shinobi, VT, & the like may grace the Wii's platform.

"The things we touch have no permanence."