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RolStoppable said: Alacrist said: That's so typical, come on now, any brat that feels like he has to prove something goes and gets a 360 it's "sicking" (I don't even know if that's a real word) WOW!, you can shoot things on a game so your an adult now!!! Great message to send! And come on what GREAT game is on the 360 where you don't A. Shoot things or B. Kill things? (I mean million sellers) And I'm sure someone is going to say "Madden" that's the only one and it's a sport, that need to quit talking trash cause they are mad about being beat by what they consider to be a inferior machine. 14-17 is Microsoft's main crowd along with all the other guys with testosterone problems. Very good post. Sony and Microsoft now realize that they bet on the wrong horse (HD, better graphics) for this generation. But it's too late for them anyway to get back in this race. Their hardware and software cannot compete with the Wii. That's why Nintendo was always saying that they won't compete with Sony/Microsoft in this generation. Nintendo has set a new standard and the "competition" has become irrelevant.
Can't blame them though. Wheen they produced them, they thought that it would be the asselling point. With the PS1 and 2 it was. They didn't factor in that Nintendo would flip everything with the Wii.