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I have lurked for awhile, but had to weigh in on this thread. I am a hardware engineer, and I have looked at all 3 of this gens layouts/PCBs. The X360 and the Wii were designed for manafacturability. Period. They will be able to reduce BOM costs and target new selling prices over time. The PS3 looks like an engineering sample (I think a testament to the problems they were having getting things pulled together on this platform). It uses extremely expensive parts that just don't scale as well pricewise with economies of scale production levels. Sony will have to undergo a SERIOUS redesign process before they can reasonably expect to lower the cost of producing their units, which, with design time, testing, mechanical adjustments and retooling is a 6 month project. In full disclosure mode, I own both a Wii and a X360 (to be quite frank, I am a nintendo fanboy - if one can call a responsible, professional member of society a 'fanboy' heh), and I do think that the PS3 will mark the end of Sony's dominance of the console world (albeit for different reasons than most here -- Sony has hitched way too many stars to this one platform (BR, consoles, etc) and I don't think that BR will win against HDDVD (manafacturing differences, closed standard, and its a Sony technology -- MiniDisk, Betamax were the best options technically but Sony managed to rip defeat out of the jaws of victory in both cases). Just felt that the reasons other than weak sales should be addressed here. Sony has more problems that just marketing in this next gen war. As a side note, I think that the retooled X360 with an HDMI port which is rumored will be a huge shift in sales numbers for M$, at least in NA. Area Now, let the flames begin.