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hanafuda said: johnsobas said: no my figures are not incorrect at least according to mediacreate. Last week Wii sold 44k, this week 67k = difference of 23k. No there were no significant releases, and no Sonic is not a significant release in Japan and i never claimed it was. There was a game released last week Eyeshield that sold the same amount as sonic if it makes you feel better. I'll let you off on the figures then. You didn't quote your source at first. Still, comparing Eyeshield to Sonic and the Secret Rings? Sorry, but I'm not going to let you off on that. I didn't see anyone predicting Sonic was going to sell 10,000 copies in that Sonic thread... But hey, it isn't a major release, and we only need to judge the Wii on major releases!
Does it matter if Sonic boombs in Japan when Wii still is selling more than the compition? Both in Software and hardware? So far first party software in Japan is doing great, 3rd party is not that great, but honestly to say that the 2 million players isn't using their Wii:s is stupid. Wii is winning in Japan now and so far the only thing that beats Wii in software is the DS. I think you can read the future. (and by the way Wii is still supply constrained, sorry)



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