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PandaexpressPanda said:

man I dont know how many times I've seen this argument come up and had to weigh in on this war, but here it goes, There is NO WAY MGS4 will go to 360, 1st off the Technical aspect, 360 does not use blu ray and it would take more than 1 disc which has anyone seen this on this current gen??? 2nd. Theres  So many Playstation refrences throught the game that they would either have to edit it out or look dumb. anything else I left out feel free to add


1. Technical aspect what? Blue-ray is not the scapegoat to all your life problems. Blue-ray is a crap media format that spins at 2x with no adjustable spin speed. That why you have to load almost every single game to your HD. Yea thanks Sony now I only have to use one disk but I have to load 1/3 of it onto my HD just so I can play it without 1hr load times YAY! Thank god they are adding more PS3 with bigger HD's every couple of months or you would have to start uninstalling some games. O wait you just have to buy a new PS3!

1.5. Have you ever heard of a game called Lost Oddesy? STFU

2. Have you played the game MGS Twin snakes? That game has TONS of Nintendo references all over. What system did it come out for originally? PS1

Look if you’re going to make a horrible post with lame excuses that would take 5mins to fix not 5 years. At least have the common courtesy to post below it, "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT I JUST WANT TO SOUND SMART!"


"Leap ignorantly to the defense of wealthy game company’s, who don't know or care about you!"