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If you get a rabid enough fanbase, they can tear down every piece of Charlie's Angels and find meaning in it. That doesn't mean that there was intended meaning behind it and even if there was, it doesn't mean that meaning was terribly clever or artistic to begin with.

Lost hinges on hiding things from the viewer and revealing plot details as the writers see fit. You may think that's high art but I sure don't. I think it's a rather lazy way of artificially generating intrigue.

Nice way to refute my argument by calling it "bullshit", though. I love how people can get so riled up whenever anyone calls anything about their favorite series/game/movie and its artistic integrity into question. Shit, I've admitted several times in this thread that I enjoy the show and have seen every episode multiple times. It's not as if I'm saying it's a piece of shit.

Wait, why do I get the feeling that I'm reliving one of my umpteen MGS4 conversations all over again?

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