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ManusJustus said:
TheRealMafoo said:
ManusJustus said:
I support Obama because I want America to have a better economy and society.

We used to have the strongest economy in the world. That was when keeping what you earned was incentive to work more. When the people are in control of where there money goes, they are far more inclined to work hard to earn it. When you become socialized, you remove all incentive to go that extra mile.

Obama's politics moves us away from a better economy, not towards it.


I wish it was that simple.

You forget externalities associated with many of today's issues, including healthcare and education.  More educated people means better jobs and better economy.  More healthy people means more people are able to work which means better economy.  You need government funding to provide these public goods efficiently due to market failure.

The market is also unable to produce advanced technology where information is uncertain.  That is why it took NASA, a government funded agency, to develop space technology and satellites, because the free market would never (or atleast very slowly) develop these technologies.  If it wasnt for government involvement in the economy, you would not be using a computer on the internet which uses satellites right now.  That is why alternative energy is better in the hands of the government than the free market.

Healthcare, education, and alternative energy all go to Obama.  Since these issues also have a large effect on the economy, the economy goes to Obama as well.


I worked with NASA, and at the Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles division (there satellite division). And yes, they have done some great things. But 9 out of 10 of the bright minds that have come up with these things, have been contractors from the private sector. Companies like CSC, Ball Aerospace, LockMart, Boeing, IBM, and a dozen other major government contractors. The private sector does things better... always.

Healthcare. How come when it's totally a capitalist endeavor, like elective surgery, I can get it done faster, cheaper, better. let's take eye surgery for example. I can use the best equipment in the world, top doctors, incredible comfort, and customer service for $800 an eye. A simple MRI is a pain in the ass to schedule, I was treated ruddily, and it cost me $2,000.

Funny how things get better with competition. Remove the heath insurance equation from the MRI trip, and I bet it would cost $50. When industries compete, they provide better services... always. Obama wants to remove all of that.