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DonFerrari said:
smroadkill15 said:

I'm sure Phil could have done it without being in the position that he is in now, but it would've taken much longer. With him being promoted to VP, and Xbox become it's own cornerstone of MS, it sped up the process. I remember reading from multiple sources, including Phil, he was on a mission to improving services, hardware, and software in that order. That is what he did. 

He said this mission like less than 12 months ago. But he was promising better and more 1st party content for several years. And year after year what we had in VGC was people defending that he couldn't turn around from day to night, it would take time. But then they were able to purchase several companies in a short period. That is why I question if he was lying on they working on improving it at those time or making empty promises he couldn't fulfill (even if intending to fulfill).

I can understand it taking 6-12 months to verify viable companies, negotiate and purchase, but the lack of action for 3 years and then buying the studios only when it is time to prepare for next gen seems like he was just doing PR promises to keep people buying X1.

How much power did he have when he spend 2.5 billion on mojan? For what? mincraft wich everybody already had. I have no idea the price off all theese studios bought last year, but I can safely assume they cmbined dont reach 2.5 billion. Why could phil not spend that 2.5b back then in a few little studios like he did now? We would definetly have something to show for it by now.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.