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Ninja Gaiden 2, Halo wars, Fable2, Gears of war maybe all VERY GOOD
but they are mostly appealing to Xbox hardcore gamer crowd.

At the contrary,

MGS4 : PSX/PS2 hardcore gamers
GT : PSX//PS2 hardcore/core/casual gamers
FF : PSX/PS2 hardcore/core gamers

PSX/PS2 crowd >> Xbox crowd

All is about "sales potential", and I believe the PS3 has a lot of potential.

(just look which game was able to bring the Xbox360 at 17k in japan :
Ace Combat 6 ==> PSX/PS2 game, thx Microsoft wallet for the exclusivity)


EDIT : In fact, if Madden2009 sucks on PS3, it can also be very good point for Microsoft.
So 2 weapons left for Microsoft : GTA4 exclusive content + Madden09

Time to Work !