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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resident Evil 5 Demo Is Up On EU Store!!!

cura said:
NinjaKido said:
i'll download it later , impressions PLZ :) .


 this game is great. Capcom made the series even better by adding co-op. It makes it so much more enjoyable. If you liked RE4 then you'll love RE5. It's like RE4 on steriods as you and your mate fight for survial and kick ass at the same time. The battles are intense and frantic, and you are constantly running to get some space between you and the enemies. I've played the demo about 10 times straight already and can't get enough of it. I just hope I don't lose interest in it before the game is released lol

Anyway, I'll say it again. Everything's perfect (more of less anyway). However if you didn't like RE4 then you won't like this one either. If you liked RE4 then you're on for a real treat. I can't wait for what they have install for the full game. Though, this is game that to get the full experience both players need a headset, and obviously don't bother with the AI partner.

I can't really think any downsides really apart from the fact that the wii controls would allow greater speed and accuracy but nevertheless you can still pull off head shots and target body parts with the ds controller. I also missed the briefcase but that is a minor complaint.


yeah in a nutshell this is about it, though it's not perfect. i dislike the inventory quick select along with some other minor issues. otherwise, it's quite good and expect online co-op to be a blast.

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the guy with the gasmask who fires the rpg from the helicopters, is that who i think it is? that would make things reaaaally interesting


like i said increase the aiming movement speed and the controls are no longer a bother, as for the coop just played the second level..  its really cool to have somebody cover you while you run .then you cover her/him so she can get further away from mr chainsaw and so on.... really nice

i thought the controls were ok, but i couldn't connect to any online co-op games! And when i hosted, they just disconnected after a few seconds!

im going trying it now, i want to see what the fuss is about regarding controls

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

I did the first mission, then i tried to do the second one but the controls were just god awful so i turned it off. They were no doubt the worst controls of any game i have played this gen and may go right up there with nightmare creatures on the N64 as the worst ever.

The gameplay is horrible and it feels like you are controlling a tank.

I would not be surprised if this game gets 5/10 across the board.

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ohhh god the controls are so awful! even my grandma can move faster than that

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


lol it does seem like you are controlling a tank!!

Wii owners this is one high-profile HD console exclusive you have no need to be jealous or feel bad on not having.

in fact RE4 Wii has better controls!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Is coop good has anyone tryed it online and offline.


lol you guys are absolutely pathetic. The controls are just as good as RE4 gamecube controls were (maybe even slightly better with the ability to make the rectile move know you have looked at the controller options right?). The only difference between using the wii controls and the traditional controllers is that the wii mote would allow greater speed and accuracy in shooting. However, the ps3 controller works fine imo, I can still pop off knee shots and arm shots with ease, and even headshots. Knifing is a piece of cake and you are meant to stop while knifing, as you are when re-loading - it's part of the game design to build tension. Also, has anyone here down a quick turn? It's easy once you get used to it and makes running and then turning 180 degrees to shoot at the executioner/chain saw guy very easy. The controls are great, and Capcom know this is as well - if you guys think the game is crap don't buy it but to say the game won't sell well b/c of negative impressions here is just ludicrous in my opinion. Also, as I said earlier, are the people complaining the same people who hated RE4 or have they never played RE4 before? From all the previews I've read (only a few on IGN) they've all been positive and taken the 'if it's not broken why change it' approach to the controls. Have people played Dead Space? There wasn't even a quick turn in that game!!!

Anyway, all I can say is that I've had a blast playing through the game. The game actually has exceeded my expectations (mainly due to co-op). The only other thing I can say is that serious thought went into the controls by Capcom and I highly doubt if they haven't changed the controls yet, they will change it before release. Still a day 1 purchase to me. Anyway, complain all you want! I'm one of the few who think it's fantastic. Everything I loved about RE4 is intact and the co-op makes it even better. Only other thing I can say though is that changing the controls will essentially break the game. The controls were NOT designed to replicate gears of wars, or w/e. The controls were designed to build tension as you are constantly fighting to stay alive (but kicking ass at the same time).

cura said:
  Also, as I said earlier, are the people complaining the same people who hated RE4 or have they never played RE4 before?

I played 30mins of RE2 back in the day on the PS1, and found the controls to be horrible so i stopped playing them, because each game was known for its horrible controls or camera.

And you telling me this one controls better then RE4, is just crazy.  The camera in this game is also very shitty, half the screen is taken up by that guys back, and that bitch keeps walking in front of me.