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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Best "second party" Nintendo game


Which do you think is the better game?

Banjo Kazooie 10 50.00%
Goldeneye 007 10 50.00%
HebrewGamer said:

Was gonna say Xenoblade Chronicles but that is 1st party as Nintendo owned Monolithsoft even before the original release of that game.

I guess I'll go with Goldeneye. Had it back when I had the 64 as a kid and enjoyed the hell out of it.

Goldeneye is definitely a big one. It has aged very poorly. But it was a seriously good and very popular game in its day.

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Pokémon Emerald. If it is not considered a second party game, I say Donkey Kong Country 2

I can't decide.

Tied between Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Donkey Kong Country 3.

Alex_The_Hedgehog said:

I can't decide, but maybe Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

But Donkey Kong Country 3 if it counts.

DKC and Rare's other games count.

curl-6 said:
Alex_The_Hedgehog said:

I can't decide, but maybe Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

But Donkey Kong Country 3 if it counts.

DKC and Rare's other games count.

Yeah, just saw it and edited my post.

Well, since it's my gaming childhood, I'll pick DKC 3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl was my biggest dream in my teens, but I played DKC 3 more.

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HoloDust said:

I don’t believe Conker, or Perfect Dark for that matter, would be eligible for this contest. Some of those later N64 Rare games were developed and published by Rare.

But maybe Nintendo’s stake in Rare at the time overrides that? I defer to Curl :)

Veknoid_Outcast said:
HoloDust said:

I don’t believe Conker, or Perfect Dark for that matter, would be eligible for this contest. Some of those later N64 Rare games were developed and published by Rare.

But maybe Nintendo’s stake in Rare at the time overrides that? I defer to Curl :)

I love Conker and Perfect Dark, but yeah as they're not Nintendo published I don't think they qualify. Shame, as both are brilliant.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
HoloDust said:

I don’t believe Conker, or Perfect Dark for that matter, would be eligible for this contest. Some of those later N64 Rare games were developed and published by Rare.

But maybe Nintendo’s stake in Rare at the time overrides that? I defer to Curl :)

Hm, Conker is from 2001, it was exclusive for N64, and MS bought RARE in 2002. Honestly, I thought it was 2nd party title, but who knows.

Has to be DKC2, right?