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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How far away are we from seeing games like Horizon: Zero Dawn and Spiderman 2018 on Switch/Switch 2?

Thought I had on the thread about the Lego game, but talk has always been about say, seeing the Master Chief Collection show up on Switch or something with how Microsoft is. But if we are about to get a Lego Spinoff on Switch with the same strat that seems to be used for PC releases....could it be possible?

If those games went to PC after a few years when they were no longer the primary pushers to get more money from them, and Nintendo is usually treated the same way by Sony (and XBox) almost seems plausible now. And what a world we'd live in if in a Nintendo direct, either this month or for Switch 2, we see Alloy or Peter Parker show up. Hell, possibly even Kratos or Joel at this rate. 

...and what fires that would cause...the fanboys would rage. 

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

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We're already starting to see Microsoft games on Switch. I think that trend will only accelerate. Sony will get there too, but I imagine it will a little longer for them. Sony is still doing well with the traditional game distribution model. Microsoft, at least relative to the kind of numbers that a giant company like that needs to see, is not doing so well. So they are more incentivized to find new ways to distribute their games to new players.

The same factors apply to both of them though. The dedicated home console business has been stagnant for a long time, in terms of the number of players. The big players have managed to increase revenue with microtransactions and expansions. But, that's not enough for these giant companies. These guys need serious growth, and they need it to continue. And the traditional business model is not providing that. So, as the industry moves forward, we'll see platform holders put their games on competitor's systems. We'll see more stuff launching on PC at or near the console launch. And we'll see more stuff coming to mobile phones. We're also going to see more and more streaming.  There's no doubt about it.

Who knows. On one hand seems crazy but on the other Sony on PC seemed crazy but here we are. I still think we will see legacy Nintendo on Steam in the next 10 years.

All I know is being a PC + switch gamer has never been better.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

VAMatt said:

We're already starting to see Microsoft games on Switch. I think that trend will only accelerate. Sony will get there too, but I imagine it will a little longer for them. Sony is still doing well with the traditional game distribution model. Microsoft, at least relative to the kind of numbers that a giant company like that needs to see, is not doing so well. So they are more incentivized to find new ways to distribute their games to new players.

The same factors apply to both of them though. The dedicated home console business has been stagnant for a long time, in terms of the number of players. The big players have managed to increase revenue with microtransactions and expansions. But, that's not enough for these giant companies. These guys need serious growth, and they need it to continue. And the traditional business model is not providing that. So, as the industry moves forward, we'll see platform holders put their games on competitor's systems. We'll see more stuff launching on PC at or near the console launch. And we'll see more stuff coming to mobile phones. We're also going to see more and more streaming.  There's no doubt about it.

The question is....  why is 150m+ Nintendo users, 120m+ Playstation users, and 50m+ xbox useres, not a big enough market?
Even if it appears to have stagnated.  Factor in the PC, and that should probably be another 200m or something.

How big a market does gameing need? are games to big and expensive, to not also chase the mobile market?
If so, imagine your next gen console, and most of the games there where mobile ones . _ .

"these guys need serious growth, and they need it to continue"

Why? earn a few billion here and there, and be happy..... is it so hard? how greedy are "these guys" ?.

"And we'll see more stuff coming to mobile phones. We're also going to see more and more streaming.  There's no doubt about it."

I hope this doesn't come to pass.
I'm not buying mobile games on pc, or console, and wont in future either.
They go that route, they wont be getting my buy atleast (and likely many others).

JRPGfan said:
VAMatt said:

We're already starting to see Microsoft games on Switch. I think that trend will only accelerate. Sony will get there too, but I imagine it will a little longer for them. Sony is still doing well with the traditional game distribution model. Microsoft, at least relative to the kind of numbers that a giant company like that needs to see, is not doing so well. So they are more incentivized to find new ways to distribute their games to new players.

The same factors apply to both of them though. The dedicated home console business has been stagnant for a long time, in terms of the number of players. The big players have managed to increase revenue with microtransactions and expansions. But, that's not enough for these giant companies. These guys need serious growth, and they need it to continue. And the traditional business model is not providing that. So, as the industry moves forward, we'll see platform holders put their games on competitor's systems. We'll see more stuff launching on PC at or near the console launch. And we'll see more stuff coming to mobile phones. We're also going to see more and more streaming.  There's no doubt about it.

The question is....  why is 150m+ Nintendo users, 120m+ Playstation users, and 50m+ xbox useres, not a big enough market?
Even if it appears to have stagnated.  Factor in the PC, and that should probably be another 200m or something.

How big a market does gameing need? are games to big and expensive, to not also chase the mobile market?
If so, imagine your next gen console, and most of the games there where mobile ones . _ .

"these guys need serious growth, and they need it to continue"

Why? earn a few billion here and there, and be happy..... is it so hard? how greedy are "these guys" ?.

"And we'll see more stuff coming to mobile phones. We're also going to see more and more streaming.  There's no doubt about it."

I hope this doesn't come to pass.
I'm not buying mobile games on pc, or console, and wont in future either.
They go that route, they wont be getting my buy atleast (and likely many others).

My 2 cents, board members always want more revenue.  There isn't a problem other than greed.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Around the Network
KrspaceT said:

Thought I had on the thread about the Lego game, but talk has always been about say, seeing the Master Chief Collection show up on Switch or something with how Microsoft is. But if we are about to get a Lego Spinoff on Switch with the same strat that seems to be used for PC releases....could it be possible?

If those games went to PC after a few years when they were no longer the primary pushers to get more money from them, and Nintendo is usually treated the same way by Sony (and XBox) almost seems plausible now. And what a world we'd live in if in a Nintendo direct, either this month or for Switch 2, we see Alloy or Peter Parker show up. Hell, possibly even Kratos or Joel at this rate. 

...and what fires that would cause...the fanboys would rage. 

Not gonna happen. if sony really wanted to do that they could have made a ton of money with a ports of ps3 games on switch like last of us, GOW3, little big planet and uncharted series just like every other developer did. This is a lego game that not gonna move ps5's and is great move to get some switch users to buy ps5's. until you get a real sony iP I won't hold my breath of this happening.

Those games that you mentioned would take much more time and effort to port than porting a Lego game and they wouldn't sell as well as a Lego game. Maybe a game like Astro bot would be better but I highly doubt Sony would port any games they have full control to Xbox or Nintendo. I'm guessing Sony was forced to port horizon Lego to Switch by whoever own the right to Lego games. Same as MLB

I don't think this is simply LEGO mandating this because if it was up to LEGO, there would probably also be an XBox version also. MLB The Show is on XBox platforms for example. I think Sony is OK with this and signed off on it.

Sony has a new president and the game division has a new president too, things can change with different leadership.

JRPGfan said:
VAMatt said:

We're already starting to see Microsoft games on Switch. I think that trend will only accelerate. Sony will get there too, but I imagine it will a little longer for them. Sony is still doing well with the traditional game distribution model. Microsoft, at least relative to the kind of numbers that a giant company like that needs to see, is not doing so well. So they are more incentivized to find new ways to distribute their games to new players.

The same factors apply to both of them though. The dedicated home console business has been stagnant for a long time, in terms of the number of players. The big players have managed to increase revenue with microtransactions and expansions. But, that's not enough for these giant companies. These guys need serious growth, and they need it to continue. And the traditional business model is not providing that. So, as the industry moves forward, we'll see platform holders put their games on competitor's systems. We'll see more stuff launching on PC at or near the console launch. And we'll see more stuff coming to mobile phones. We're also going to see more and more streaming.  There's no doubt about it.

The question is....  why is 150m+ Nintendo users, 120m+ Playstation users, and 50m+ xbox useres, not a big enough market?
Even if it appears to have stagnated.  Factor in the PC, and that should probably be another 200m or something.

How big a market does gameing need? are games to big and expensive, to not also chase the mobile market?
If so, imagine your next gen console, and most of the games there where mobile ones . _ .

"these guys need serious growth, and they need it to continue"

Why? earn a few billion here and there, and be happy..... is it so hard? how greedy are "these guys" ?.

"And we'll see more stuff coming to mobile phones. We're also going to see more and more streaming.  There's no doubt about it."

I hope this doesn't come to pass.
I'm not buying mobile games on pc, or console, and wont in future either.
They go that route, they wont be getting my buy atleast (and likely many others).

Game development costs a lot of money, the costs of development are way higher than 15 years ago, yet the number of consoles sold is basically static overall. 

When your game development cost is triple/quadruple what it was years ago, and the development time of these games is now also like 4-9 years instead of 2-3 years (longer dev time = longer amount of time you have to wait to see any return on investment), the console numbers aren't good enough. 

The size of the PC gaming market for people who own a rig that can run a modern-ish game well is also way smaller than 200 million. It's maybe more like another 60+ million. A lot of people who buy high end GPUs buy it for professional reasons too (video editing, music/content creation, computer graphics, etc.), it's not a given that everyone that has a high end GPU is using it to play games on. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 09 June 2024

Soundwave said:
JRPGfan said:

The question is....  why is 150m+ Nintendo users, 120m+ Playstation users, and 50m+ xbox useres, not a big enough market?
Even if it appears to have stagnated.  Factor in the PC, and that should probably be another 200m or something.

How big a market does gameing need? are games to big and expensive, to not also chase the mobile market?
If so, imagine your next gen console, and most of the games there where mobile ones . _ .

"these guys need serious growth, and they need it to continue"

Why? earn a few billion here and there, and be happy..... is it so hard? how greedy are "these guys" ?.

"And we'll see more stuff coming to mobile phones. We're also going to see more and more streaming.  There's no doubt about it."

I hope this doesn't come to pass.
I'm not buying mobile games on pc, or console, and wont in future either.
They go that route, they wont be getting my buy atleast (and likely many others).

Game development costs a lot of money, the costs of development are way higher than 15 years ago, yet the number of consoles sold is basically static overall. 

When your game development cost is triple/quadruple what it was years ago, and the development time of these games is now also like 4-9 years instead of 2-3 years (longer dev time = longer amount of time you have to wait to see any return on investment), the console numbers aren't good enough. 

The hardware console will market will shrink and eventually they will all sell games on PC day one. Think about this graphics upgrades have been the main reason handhelds and consoles were hyped since forever once that's over, people upgrading is gonna slow down, even now the biggest reason for wanting switch 2 is a graphic upgrade, and switch 3 will just probably be able  to run games at 60fps instead of 30fps and with a little screen no one will see the difference, and if nintendo keep games at good budget switch 2 hardware will more then enough to do what they want, and if they release a pro look out cause the switch 3 might come out in 13 years lol.