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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Elden Ring: Scadu of the Nerdtree. 94 OC/95 MC. Is it too hard? Poll.


Is the DLC too difficult...

Yes 5 17.24%
No 13 44.83%
A bit but manageable 8 27.59%
No opinion 3 10.34%

Hey, does anyone have:

Ansbach's Longbow (Bow)
Retaliatory Crossed-Tree (Talisman)
Lacerating Crossed-Tree (Talisman)

That's all I have left to get a complete set of all items on PS4/5. Well, everything that can be traded. Base level for Ansbach's Longbow.

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Just finished the DLC yesterday. I thought it was slightly better than the main game (less copy-pasting of boss types and dungeon types, so it felt leaner and more focussed). Some really cool, more memorable bosses too - I loved the visual designs of Midra and Scadutree Avatar (the sunflower boss).

As for the difficulty, I actually felt over-leveled for most of the DLC; I was already level 200+ beforehand and by aiming to kill every boss in the DLC I did a lot of exploring and found a lot of Scadutree fragments. I'm guessing a lot of the difficulty complaints are pre-patch and also stem from not being high enough Scadutree level.

That said the final boss was really bloody tough - definitely one of the toughest in any From game for me. It was like hitting a brick wall of endless sword combos followed by holy light beam spam the first 10 or so attempts, so that prompted me to go back and get max Scadutree level using a guide map, and re-spec & tweak my build. Even after that the second phase still felt almost hopeless for the next hour or so, but eventually I finally managed to kill him with no heals left - such an immense feeling of relief and accomplishment that I just don't get outside of Soulslikes.

Machina said:

Just finished the DLC yesterday. I thought it was slightly better than the main game (less copy-pasting of boss types and dungeon types, so it felt leaner and more focussed). Some really cool, more memorable bosses too - I loved the visual designs of Midra and Scadutree Avatar (the sunflower boss).

As for the difficulty, I actually felt over-leveled for most of the DLC; I was already level 200+ beforehand and by aiming to kill every boss in the DLC I did a lot of exploring and found a lot of Scadutree fragments. I'm guessing a lot of the difficulty complaints are pre-patch and also stem from not being high enough Scadutree level.

That said the final boss was really bloody tough - definitely one of the toughest in any From game for me. It was like hitting a brick wall of endless sword combos followed by holy light beam spam the first 10 or so attempts, so that prompted me to go back and get max Scadutree level using a guide map, and re-spec & tweak my build. Even after that the second phase still felt almost hopeless for the next hour or so, but eventually I finally managed to kill him with no heals left - such an immense feeling of relief and accomplishment that I just don't get outside of Soulslikes.

Took me many hours over the course of three days. The first phase is pretty easy by this point. when I finally beat him I reloaded my save and tried again. I will never call him easy but after practicing and beating him a half dozen times I'm really happy with him.

People saying the DLC is 'too hard' confuse me. The escalation from the base game was a really smooth difficulty transition. It was slightly harder but not absurdly so. It was pretty much exactly as much harder as I felt it needed to be to justify itself without going overboard. 

And honestly, don't you WANT that? Pretty sure it'd be bland and boring if it wasn't harder. 

Shadow of the Erdtree solidifies Elden Ring as another 9.8/10 for me alongside Bloodborne. Absolutely loved it and am going through a few times now.

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I still haven't gotten to the DLC.

I had a really good 30 hours, but it's starting to drag on me. 

Beat Bayle, Putrescent Knight, Commander gaius and a few other bosses.

Gonna attempt Radahn again and finish this DLC wish me luck.

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Finally beat bitch-dahn. Jesus that was a nightmare. Even after respecing and using a OP strength build he's still fucking hard. I like the first phase because his attacks are actually readable and i can figure out how to dodge his moves. his second phase however is fucking cancer. dodging confusing afterimage attacks where i hardly tell where he even is feels impossible. on top of that each sword swing is followed by a ray of energy in the area he swung, although that's not as bad as the fucking aoe blast after his last swing which you can only dodge with PRECISE timing. don't get me started on his gravity attack which he sometimes did twice in a ROW! This must've been at least 100 attempts.

Overall I'd say it's a fantastic DLC. honestly it could be considered it's own game with how much content there is here. The new weapon types are fun to use although i mostly stuck with the stuff from the base game anyway. lots of cool designs with bosses and locations, but i can't help to feel some areas could have been filled with more enemies and encounters especially Abyssal woods and the path up to Bayle's arena I love the look/design of these areas but i feel like they could've been filled with more interesting things. The bosses were lot's of fun although i feel like some of the mini-bosses were overused. i lost count of how many times i fought the generic dragon boss and the furnace giant. i think my favorite boss was Messmer's fight easily the best boss in the dlc. Loved fighting Rellana, Bayle, and Midra as well. Radahn could have been one of the best fights if his second phase was better. I feel like they tried to do too much with his second phase it just ended up feeling like BS. I feel like it's gonna get a nerf in future patch.

Overall i'd rate it a 9.0/10 dlc. great expansion feels like a full fledged souls game

Last edited by Eric2048 - on 01 August 2024

Now that I've had some time to think it over, the only real problem I have with the DLC is that all the awesome weapons can only be acquired super late into the game. I want to be able to START games with these weapons and play through. This can be achieved through trading but that adds a lot of extra steps to the process which is a shame.

Playing the whole game through with Backhand Blades or Milady or the Great Katana or the basic beast claws would be so good. Instead you have to wait until you've already beaten Mohg, arguably one of the hardest bosses in the game (which is a shame).

I still think the difficulty curve from the base game is pretty spot-on (That controversy was dumb as hell; use the tools at your disposal, refusing to do so isn't the intended way of playing the game it's a challenge run), And to this day I still feel Malenia is the hardest boss. Though...after coming back from the DLC I beat her on second attempt. After two and a half years not being able to defeat her solo. Seriously, prior to a few weeks ago I had NEVER beaten Malenia 1v1. Tried dozens of builds, tried many styles, different cheese tactics, any combination of spirit ashes, etc. Nothing worked. Only way I could beat her was with friends, and then she's really easy. But after coming back after Radahn, who only took me a few hours spread across three days, I used the deflecting hardtear and DESTROYED her. Completely bodied her. Which...I am okay with.

I'm doing this elongated boss ranking thing and I don't know if I love her or not. I love her moves, I love her lore, I love so much about her but actually fighting Malenia REALLY pisses me off. All the complaints people make about Radahn in the DLC seem silly to me (get a tank ash in phase 2 and body him or just use the holy braid to defend against his holy attacks), but I still think they tuned her too hard. which is weird because none of her moves in and of themselves are that bad. I look at every sweep, attack, grab, slash, and kick she does and they're all tough but fair moves. HEr blooming move is....50% accurate, meaning half the time I can avoid it with ease the other half it doesn't seem to matter what I do she hits me. She does the clone move which LOOKS like it would be easy to find the rhythm but is actually insanely hard to dodge unless you run. And that effin waterfowl dance is GARBAGE. I hate that move. I hate that unless you're actively anticipating it it's virtually impossible to avoid. I hate that it hits so many times and each slash does so much damage. I hate that it heals her. I hate that even if ou're literally on the opposite side of the arena from her it can still catch you. If you're not anticipating it, then it's impossible to dodge, basically. so playing the game appropriately by staying in close and dancing with her -the most fun way to play in my opinion - is a honey trap to destroy you.

like 75% of her fight is peak boss design. the other 25% is so utter trash fire garbage that I genuinely don't know how anyone can forgive her.

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Runa216 said:

Now that I've had some time to think it over, the only real problem I have with the DLC is that all the awesome weapons can only be acquired super late into the game. I want to be able to START games with these weapons and play through. This can be achieved through trading but that adds a lot of extra steps to the process which is a shame.

Playing the whole game through with Backhand Blades or Milady or the Great Katana or the basic beast claws would be so good. Instead you have to wait until you've already beaten Mohg, arguably one of the hardest bosses in the game (which is a shame).

I still think the difficulty curve from the base game is pretty spot-on (That controversy was dumb as hell; use the tools at your disposal, refusing to do so isn't the intended way of playing the game it's a challenge run), And to this day I still feel Malenia is the hardest boss. Though...after coming back from the DLC I beat her on second attempt. After two and a half years not being able to defeat her solo. Seriously, prior to a few weeks ago I had NEVER beaten Malenia 1v1. Tried dozens of builds, tried many styles, different cheese tactics, any combination of spirit ashes, etc. Nothing worked. Only way I could beat her was with friends, and then she's really easy. But after coming back after Radahn, who only took me a few hours spread across three days, I used the deflecting hardtear and DESTROYED her. Completely bodied her. Which...I am okay with.

I'm doing this elongated boss ranking thing and I don't know if I love her or not. I love her moves, I love her lore, I love so much about her but actually fighting Malenia REALLY pisses me off. All the complaints people make about Radahn in the DLC seem silly to me (get a tank ash in phase 2 and body him or just use the holy braid to defend against his holy attacks), but I still think they tuned her too hard. which is weird because none of her moves in and of themselves are that bad. I look at every sweep, attack, grab, slash, and kick she does and they're all tough but fair moves. HEr blooming move is....50% accurate, meaning half the time I can avoid it with ease the other half it doesn't seem to matter what I do she hits me. She does the clone move which LOOKS like it would be easy to find the rhythm but is actually insanely hard to dodge unless you run. And that effin waterfowl dance is GARBAGE. I hate that move. I hate that unless you're actively anticipating it it's virtually impossible to avoid. I hate that it hits so many times and each slash does so much damage. I hate that it heals her. I hate that even if ou're literally on the opposite side of the arena from her it can still catch you. If you're not anticipating it, then it's impossible to dodge, basically. so playing the game appropriately by staying in close and dancing with her -the most fun way to play in my opinion - is a honey trap to destroy you.

like 75% of her fight is peak boss design. the other 25% is so utter trash fire garbage that I genuinely don't know how anyone can forgive her.

There were new weapons? 


LegitHyperbole said:
Runa216 said:

Now that I've had some time to think it over, the only real problem I have with the DLC is that all the awesome weapons can only be acquired super late into the game. I want to be able to START games with these weapons and play through. This can be achieved through trading but that adds a lot of extra steps to the process which is a shame.

Playing the whole game through with Backhand Blades or Milady or the Great Katana or the basic beast claws would be so good. Instead you have to wait until you've already beaten Mohg, arguably one of the hardest bosses in the game (which is a shame).

I still think the difficulty curve from the base game is pretty spot-on (That controversy was dumb as hell; use the tools at your disposal, refusing to do so isn't the intended way of playing the game it's a challenge run), And to this day I still feel Malenia is the hardest boss. Though...after coming back from the DLC I beat her on second attempt. After two and a half years not being able to defeat her solo. Seriously, prior to a few weeks ago I had NEVER beaten Malenia 1v1. Tried dozens of builds, tried many styles, different cheese tactics, any combination of spirit ashes, etc. Nothing worked. Only way I could beat her was with friends, and then she's really easy. But after coming back after Radahn, who only took me a few hours spread across three days, I used the deflecting hardtear and DESTROYED her. Completely bodied her. Which...I am okay with.

I'm doing this elongated boss ranking thing and I don't know if I love her or not. I love her moves, I love her lore, I love so much about her but actually fighting Malenia REALLY pisses me off. All the complaints people make about Radahn in the DLC seem silly to me (get a tank ash in phase 2 and body him or just use the holy braid to defend against his holy attacks), but I still think they tuned her too hard. which is weird because none of her moves in and of themselves are that bad. I look at every sweep, attack, grab, slash, and kick she does and they're all tough but fair moves. HEr blooming move is....50% accurate, meaning half the time I can avoid it with ease the other half it doesn't seem to matter what I do she hits me. She does the clone move which LOOKS like it would be easy to find the rhythm but is actually insanely hard to dodge unless you run. And that effin waterfowl dance is GARBAGE. I hate that move. I hate that unless you're actively anticipating it it's virtually impossible to avoid. I hate that it hits so many times and each slash does so much damage. I hate that it heals her. I hate that even if ou're literally on the opposite side of the arena from her it can still catch you. If you're not anticipating it, then it's impossible to dodge, basically. so playing the game appropriately by staying in close and dancing with her -the most fun way to play in my opinion - is a honey trap to destroy you.

like 75% of her fight is peak boss design. the other 25% is so utter trash fire garbage that I genuinely don't know how anyone can forgive her.

There were new weapons? 


over 100 new weapons including 8 new weapon categories. (Backhand Blades, Throwing Daggers, Light Greatswords, Great Katanas, Beast Claws, Perfume Bottles, Attack Shields, Hand to Hand/MArtial ArtS). 

Backhand Blades, Light Greatswords, and HAnd to Hand Arts are my three favourite weapon types. 

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