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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation portable 3, Do you think it possible?



High possibility 6 18.18%
Low possibility 16 48.48%
Definitely happening 1 3.03%
Definitely NOT happening 8 24.24%
Other 2 6.06%

A handheld capable of playing the entire PS4 library, it's own exclusives and a curated indie selection instead of the trash heap you have to shovel through on steam deck or Nintendo Switch. Do you think this rumor has any validity?  

One can dream. That'd be so awesome to be able to take PS+ catalogue and your existing library with you on the go, streaming and all. This would have a high chance of competing with the Switch/Switch 2 and take a meaningful slice of the pie. It's definitely fair better than Steamdeck and Steamdeck clones. 

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It might happen since portables have become more popular since the Switch and the Steam Deck.

Microsoft would have an easier time doing it though since they can simply make the Series S into one nowadays, while it'll take many years before Sony can do the same with the PS5 (and supporting two platforms simply is out of the question nowadays - they can't even properly support PSVR2).






haxxiy said:

It might happen since portables have become more popular since the Switch and the Steam Deck.

Microsoft would have an easier time doing it though since they can simply make the Series S into one nowadays, while it'll take many years before Sony can do the same with the PS5 (and supporting two platforms simply is out of the question nowadays - they can't even properly support PSVR2).

An MS handheld would be awesome too, gamepass in your pocket with proper controls. Definitely not happening though, they are not getting the series S into that kinda form factor. 🤔 

No point. Just be a digital-only steam deck clone. Meh. Loved Vita and PSP but Sony has no identity anymore.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

LegitHyperbole said:

A handheld capable of playing the entire PS4 library, it's own exclusives and a curated indie selection instead of the trash heap you have to shovel through on steam deck or Nintendo Switch.

The "entire PS4 library" is also a "trash heap" with over 10,000 games in the PS Store.

And "its own exclusives"? Have you seen Sony's track record of the last decades when it comes to supporting secondary systems? PSVita, PSVR1, PSVR2...

LegitHyperbole said:

It's definitely fair better than Steamdeck and Steamdeck clones. 

That's definitely jumping to a hasty conclusion.

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You know this poll is making me think of the awsome posibility of a PSP like system that could have come out duirng the PS3 era. It could have been called the PS3 Port.


haxxiy said:

It might happen since portables have become more popular since the Switch and the Steam Deck.

Microsoft would have an easier time doing it though since they can simply make the Series S into one nowadays, while it'll take many years before Sony can do the same with the PS5 (and supporting two platforms simply is out of the question nowadays - they can't even properly support PSVR2).

If the device could run PS5 games then it isn't really about supporting 2 devices: it's just a different PS5 sku.

But I dunno... If it could run patched PS5 games I'd consider it. Not sure I need a handheld PS4 after nearly a decade of having a PS4.

If I can stream my games from PS+ Essential, and if the size is closer to something like a Vita than the PS Portal, then I'm interested.

Doubt it and if it does happen Sony on arrival with their support and design like how they did with vita

The rumor sounds bogus. Making a PS4 handheld would be very tricky from an engineering standpoint as it would have to work with every PS4 game natively without patches. In addition, this means that they would be considering crossgen development again right when they started walking away from it. Thirdly, it would have to be digital only, so lots of people wouldn't be able to use their disc collection in the system.

I just don't see it happening

twintail said:

If the device could run PS5 games then it isn't really about supporting 2 devices: it's just a different PS5 sku.

But I dunno... If it could run patched PS5 games I'd consider it. Not sure I need a handheld PS4 after nearly a decade of having a PS4.

If I can stream my games from PS+ Essential, and if the size is closer to something like a Vita than the PS Portal, then I'm interested.

To downscale a game to the extent of a mobile GPU is way more trouble than releasing, for instance, a PS5 Pro patch. It would be more like porting to a whole new platform.

Of course, that's still far more doable than it was developing games for a separate handheld...

Doctor_MG said:

The rumor sounds bogus. Making a PS4 handheld would be very tricky from an engineering standpoint as it would have to work with every PS4 game natively without patches. In addition, this means that they would be considering crossgen development again right when they started walking away from it. Thirdly, it would have to be digital only, so lots of people wouldn't be able to use their disc collection in the system.

I just don't see it happening

...or they could release it with the PS4 APU shrunk to N6 or whatever. 100% instant compatibility and it would be pretty cheap (<75mm²) to boot.