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Lol. Summit saving Halo.

Just need Shroud to like it and keep playing it then Summit can convince Asmongold next

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 August 2023

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Did Summit not tell him anything before he played? Dude didn't know invisibility doesn't work when running, didn't know what a skewer was, didn't know what the quantum translocator was, didn't know what a plasma pistol was... Lmao. Summit just let him go into it completely blind, haha.

Shroud is hard to read, I know he wasn't a fan of Halo to begin with which is fine, he is more of a Valorant/Counter-Strike dude.

Sometimes feels like he throws some digs, then he seems to be enjoying it, he called Halo a boomer shooter though, Lmao. Dad game in terms of gameplay then asked for more abilities cause "it would be sick if it had a lot more abilities", Halo purists seething and saying he wants Halo 4, Lol. Then he is complaining about being descoped when shot at.

He needs to watch a HCS match cause he doesn't know how best to use all the weapons/equipment or how best to utilise the map space, if he wants to play better, I mean he is good already though, Lol. Summit is a lot better though. Seems Shroud gets frustrated when he doesn't feel he's performing at his absolute best though.

Now he saying it plays at a snails pace and he has enough time to shit talk people which is why Halo fans are toxic

I think he just prefers super fast paced shooters, abilities everywhere, instant kills, etc. Rather than Halo's more slower methodical map control, power weapon gameplay.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 August 2023

Ain't no way this dude just bought $99 worth of Halo credits...

Lmfao. He just wants to customise shit.

Summit is just Shroud's hype man, trying to get him as good at Halo as possible now, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 August 2023

Shroud themed Halo Infinite cosmetics are happening!

Oh great Jeff is hosting Gamescom, another event I might avoid to watch. Why not have him host everything, let him have the Xbox conference too. Ugh.">"><img src="

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Shroud: "descope sucks....sounds like halo 4 was a banger"
He doesn't even realize the enemies he's making.

Spade said:

Oh great Jeff is hosting Gamescom, another event I might avoid to watch. Why not have him host everything, let him have the Xbox conference too. Ugh.

This fucking sucks. I hate that guy so much.

smroadkill15 said:

Shroud: "descope sucks....sounds like halo 4 was a banger"
He doesn't even realize the enemies he's making.

He is making me laugh, I still can't work out if he's enjoying it. He's still playing though and gave them $99 for fucking customisations, Lol.

But yeah his constant descope complaining and then H4 praise, oof, r/Halo will have him on blast, Lmao.

Summit is a good hype-man, it's a shame his game crashed but then he immediately afterwards started praising how good Halo Infinite is, Lol.

I don't think Shroud will stick with it, doesn't feel like his type of game, Summit still loving it though.

Shroud could be great if he sticks with it and learns the callouts, weapons, map controls, etc. But I don't think he will, Lol.

Shroud called it a wannabe FPS cause he can't hear footsteps

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 20 August 2023

shikamaru317 said:
coolbeans said:

Ok... I'm not a fan of how Mark Kern's tweet either, but the implications with "dev" are outright obnoxious.  You're talking about someone who was an old-school Blizzard dev, including StarCraft, Diablo II, & team lead for WoW, who was partly inspired to leave based on moral grounds.  It'd be nice if we just stuck to casual dunking of a dumb tweet versus this attitude.

Yeah, same here. Kern's tweet was stupid, and it's pretty obvious that it is motivated purely by a personal dislike of Microsoft, but the man is still a game dev, putting it in quotations seems unnecessarily rude. Yes, his next game (Em-8er) is taking awhile to release, but he is still a game developer, a rather legendary one who directed vanilla WoW and was head producer on Diablo 2. He is also a man who chose morals over money, deciding to leave when he learned that Activision intended to buy out Blizzard because he knew that Activision's ownership would destroy the culture at Blizzard, and his prediction proved accurate, they transformed from a legendary developer into what they are now, a rather soulless company that injects microtransactions and battlepasses into everything, one that has over time driven away many other classic Blizzard devs including Chris Metzen and Overwatch creator Jeff Kaplan. 

I think it is pretty obvious that the reason Mark Kern is angry about the ABK buyout and now attacking Xbox every chance he gets is because he personally sees some parallels between Microsoft buying ABK, and the original Activision-Blizzard merger that prompted him to leave the company. He clearly still cares for Blizzards IP's and what remain of his old friends that still work there, and is worried that Microsoft will do even more damage to them than Activision did, via even higher levels of monetization to go alongside day one Gamepass releases. I personally think he is wrong, I think Microsoft ownership of Blizzard will be a boon for the Blizzard developers and their IP's, but I understand why he is worried, because Microsoft could very easily decide to take the greed route at some point in the future. I just wish he would stick to those talking points instead of finding increasingly stupid things to criticize Microsoft/Xbox over, like a title screen being too static and simple for his liking. 

Plain and simple, if Mark wants to be an ass, and shit on the efforts of other devs, he deserve no respect from those devs.  It really does not matter what his motivation because that particular opinion was not necessary or productive.  He is basically insinuating that the game could be garbage based on the Start Menu.  Your previous work does not give you a pass and also none of really know Mark as a person. One thing for sure, as a Dev myself, I would tell him to go F himself so putting Dev in quotations is probably more of a software reminder for him, to understand how tough the industry is and the work they spend a large part of their lives trying to get to market.

shikamaru317 said:

Somehow I knew this was Hasan before I even watched the clip xD

Everyone: "Man, nothing can beat the cringe surrounding Starfield's main menu discourse."

Hasan: "Hold my beer, bro!"