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Mario is made by illumination who always make sub-average movies. Complex stories are never requeriment for good rated animations, however your movie still needs some substance which can be archived by compelling characters, a well written screenplay, good direction, good art design or well done worldbulding. Certainly not the case for Illumination movies.

I'm expecting yet another lackluster movie and a pretty easy skip. Right now I'm conflicted whether I want it to flop so Illumination can finakly start to make better movies ou want it to at least pay itself hoping for movies from other games to be made

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Just come back from watching The Super Mario Bros. Movie. It was fun. Still need to digest it a bit more, but I enjoyed alot of it.

IcaroRibeiro said:

Right now I'm conflicted whether I want it to flop

You take that back.

I'm gonna wait at least 2-3 weeks before watching it.

The last time I went to the theater was back in 2019 for Captain Marvel a month after its release.

My wife and I were the only ones in the theater lol.

I saw it and liked it a lot, what do you haters have to say to that?

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I'm watching it on Saturday. Looking forward to it.

Kakadu18 said:

I'm watching it on Saturday. Looking forward to it.

As you should, and stay for after the credit!! Why? I'll never tell. ^^

The movie's Lumalee is a vibe.






haxxiy said:

The movie's Lumalee is a vibe.

A creepy vibe.

FF Pixel collection coming this month on Switch

Tempted to get it just for portable use but....I got it already on Steam though the new QoL features sound so damn good.

I'll wait for a sale, my Switch backlog is huge as it is already and I rather spend money on exclusives at this point on Switch.