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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - These journalists couldn't stop smiling at Nintendo's fate

Carl2291 said:
What do people realistically expect from the meeting?

Pikmin, Wonderful 101 and Wii Fit U are my guesses.

Only 1 of those will do anything substantial for sales, Wii Fit. The problem it faces is the Wii Us pricetag. The Wii crowd that sucked up the Wii like milkshake wont dish out $350+ for a fitness game that they had on Wii

EXACTLY, well said.

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Incoming Crash 2.0.

You know some of what these guys make sense, but they are REALLY pushing their arrogance.
I'm flabbergasted at how they think that somehow the PS4 and 720 will do as well as PS3 and 360. Rising dev costs and a lower install base is no joking matter.

I wouldn't surprised if one of the big three actually dropped console gaming this gen, but acting like it's Nintendo that will is wholly ignorant. If the Virtual Boy didn't stop em, the WiiU won't people. If anything it's Microsoft (not because 720 failure but because they want to transition to a set-top entertainment box.)

Again and again it pains me that Nintendo somehow expects goodwill from western 3rd parties when it's obvious that people like this benevolently hate them. They should've expanded and had some 1st parties out for launch, not hold back and somehow expect the 3rd party ports to somehow sell well to prove a point.

Deus won't sell enough. Neither will Splinter cell. If anything, Ninetdno needs to head the opposite direction and totally screw trying to gain all 3rd party support altogether and sell their own software. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

badgenome said:
happydolphin said:

You could also just blame it on the catholics like the titanic disaster.

That is not funny, man. Especially when the new pope just started this new bird flu epidemic. Reported.

True, a great great cousin of mine died by black death, which was of course also caused by the church. Oh, and my close friends might get killed by an enemy in World War Z, which of course will be caused by the next pope as well.

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RolStoppable said:
They don't even realize what's going to hit them. Nintendo's self-destruction will also have an effect on their beloved companies, because now there isn't going to be a platform where third parties can rake in the cash with cheaply produced games. Money that was used to subsidize development for the 360 and PS3 until these systems had big enough installed bases to become self-sustaining. Admittedly, some publishers never really reached that point and continued to incur losses.

The upcoming transitional period is going to be tough for third parties. Activision is about the only Western publisher who has a reliable cash cow in Call of Duty. EA sells 10m+ copies of FIFA each year, but that's still not good enough to make a profit overall. The software markets on the 360 and PS3 are on the decline and it will take at least a couple of years before the Nextbox and PS4 truly get going. This time there is no DS and Wii. Mobile isn't going to pick up the slack, because consumers are conditioned to expect free games.

This is really an interestng point that crossed my mind as well. Many publishers used cheap casual games that sometimes were really successful like the Carneval games from Take2 to actually fund their "big" games on the HD console. So in my opinion it isn´t actually that bad if this demographic doesn´t seem to be that interested in WiiU right now and that these kind of games aren´t that popular on 3DS anymore, because they actually need to find a different way to do that now, the most apparent one is to extent the range of supported systems for multiplatform games.

Watched the vid, and WOW. Is this what qualifies as analyzing these days?

This was disgusting. Even the Vita never got this pukefest on them and that thing's deader than dead. (Not trying to anger Vita fans, just looking at things in perspective.)

Nintendo, if analysts hate you to this extent no way in hell you're getting 3rd party support from the developers. Differentiate yourselves and create a Nintendo box. It may not be a conspiracy, but these guys want you out for business reasons.

They genuinely don't believe Nintendo's important. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

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happydolphin said:

I agree that it's the games that matter, I agree with you. But I don't agree that 3rd party support is the answer. Games are the answer. Whether it's 3rd party games or Nintendo-made games, as long as the expanded market is catered to the answer is there. Granted the console would also have to be at a price that the expanded market has this far embraced for Nintendo home consoles (<=200$).

The Wii and the cube show that Nintendo consoles don't thrive on 3rd party titles, but the Wii powerfully shows that Nintendo consoles _can_ thrive on purely Nintendo games. Simply looking at the top 20 will show us that.

In other words, the U situation and the PS3 situation are extremely different scenarios, since Nintendo actually doesn't need 3rd parties to ensure success.


3rd party support IS the answer. Nintendo cant single handedly support the Wii U alone, especially when they're also supporting the 3DS. They need and rely on 3rd parties to fill the gaps, and at times, take the reigns.

Yeah, the mainline big selling Nintendo games will do a whole lot to help the situation, but they arent the key answer. The key answer is the library as a whole. The Wii's main problem post-2010 was the library. It stagnated. Nothing worthwhile was releasing anymore. You had the odd hit like Zelda and the Just Dance games, but there was Months where literally nothing new released. No compelling software releasing = no sales. No compelling software + library not worth the $350 asking price = recipe for disaster.

Nintendo cant release a compelling Wii U game every Month. Between the Hundreds of 3rd parties, they can. They can keep the system feeling fresh. They can keep the system in the media spotlight. 

The Wii has sold over 842 Million units of Software, 761 if you take away the Wii Sports total.

Nintendo Published (Not developed) 388 Million of those games, 307 if you take away the Wii Sports total.

That means that over 450 Million 3rd party games were sold on the Wii. Trust me, 3rd parties matter. From "big" releases like MH3 and DQX to the shovelware like Carnival Games.


kljesta64 said:
ugly people love ugly stuff to happen

These guys forget that Nintendo brought gaming industry back to life with the NES and all the great systems they created. Had the wii supported HD at least, it would still be selling relativelly good nowadays. I think Nintendo made a mistake with WiiU by not pushing the specs a little bit more, but overall I like what they've being doing since I was a child (and yeah, I'm old enough for owing a NES when I was a child )

BasilZero said:

They cant stop laughing at all the hits they get for making those articles either.

/facepalm to people who read these types of articles/interviews and take them seriously.

No, this is what they really think. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

RolStoppable said:
They don't even realize what's going to hit them. Nintendo's self-destruction will also have an effect on their beloved companies, because now there isn't going to be a platform where third parties can rake in the cash with cheaply produced games. Money that was used to subsidize development for the 360 and PS3 until these systems had big enough installed bases to become self-sustaining. Admittedly, some publishers never really reached that point and continued to incur losses.

The upcoming transitional period is going to be tough for third parties. Activision is about the only Western publisher who has a reliable cash cow in Call of Duty. EA sells 10m+ copies of FIFA each year, but that's still not good enough to make a profit overall. The software markets on the 360 and PS3 are on the decline and it will take at least a couple of years before the Nextbox and PS4 truly get going. This time there is no DS and Wii. Mobile isn't going to pick up the slack, because consumers are conditioned to expect free games.

Why do you think publishers are planning their business around a period of time that only lasted maybe a couple years (after the PS2 had died [for SW at least], and before the PS3/360 had really taken up its reigns).  In 2007 the Wii sold 74.8 million units of software.  At least 45.3 million of these sales were Nintendo games.  So that left third parties with 29.5 million or less.  In the same time the PS3 and 360 sold 98.6 million and the PS2 shipped 165 million.  I'm not going to parse out how much of those were first party, but it's not going to be more than 89%.

Even with the declines, the PS3 and 360 have sold over 50 million units of software, and the year is barely a quarter of the way through.  It was the PS2, not the Wii that carried third parties through the early years of the generation.  Even more so if we look at the year after the 360 launch rather than 2007.  In that year the PS2 did around 200 million units of software, while the Wii did about 3.3 million units of third party software.  It will be the same case this generation.  Even if the Wii U had been a runaway success like the Wii, the PS3 and 360 would still have sold significantly more software.

Long story short, I think you are overestimating the impact that Wii software had on third party revenues.  Especially if we're talking about the period of generational transition.  They certainly had some notable successes with cheap to produce games, but the Wii was no PS2.

I didn't really touch on the DS impact, but it had a similar situation of a very high proportion of its software sales being first party, and it didn't pass the PS2 in SW sales till 2008, and even then the PS2 might have had more third party sales.  The one exception I'd make would be Ubisoft, they did quite well pouring a bunch of cheap shovelware on the DS, and they are unlikely to have a repeat of that.  For the most part though, other western third parties never had very good handheld support.

Mr Khan said:
Carl2291 said:
Whats really funny is how everyone can see the problem and everyone knows how to fix it...

Other than Nintendo.

Not saying they're doing anything is not equivalent to not doing anything, a lesson Nintendo fans especially have had to learn over the last generation.

9 days until the investors' meeting...

Yup, I hope they bring the fun.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile