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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - These journalists couldn't stop smiling at Nintendo's fate

Nintendo is doomed since it existence. I ignore all the profits Nintendo made for all these years, the millions and millions hardware and software it sold previous gen, how great the 3DS is doing now, the fact Nintendo has enough money to survive 50 more bad years, the sellpower of Mario and other keyfrancises Sony and Microsoft don't have.

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I believe this is due to an extreme necessity of self-reafirmation from those so-called "journalists", an attempt to show the society that gamers do have a certain level of maturity that many people still don´t believe.

Many videogame journalists anr not journalists at all, they´re just gamers/players that want their object of praise to be taken seriously by the society in general. They think that this is only achieavable if games turn into something that´s only aimed at a mature audience. Nintendo in a certain way is always running from this premise, most Nintendo products are family-friendly, and those pseudo-journalists don´t want to be seen by the society as immature consumers.

Well.. they´re plainly wrong on this approach. Videogames today should be just like movies: movies are for everyone and their types or cathegories may reach every kind of person. No real movie critic or journalist feel ashamed of watching a big Disney / Dreamworks animation or a family fantasy like Harry Potter, so why videogame critics and journalists insist in this dumb idea of feeling ashamed when playing games like Super Mario series, Kirby series or anything family-friendly? A true videogame journalist should be open-minded to all and every kind of experience that this media can provide, be it a kid´s game or an adult´s game.

Even with this gigantic and highly specializaed industry, there is still a (good) part of our western society,that still see games as a kids/teenager-only entertainment. In a sense that people who enjoy videogames are people who have never matured at all. Of course this is just stupidity, but the way those journalists approach the industry is not helping to change that perception. It´s doing exactely the opposite, they´re just enforcing that videogame consumers are just... teenagers who wants to be adults but never matured enough to reach that.

(note: English is not my first language, so I hope to get my statements clear, I don´t mind if you correct me, feel free to do that)

ugly people love ugly stuff to happen

Tsubasa Ozora

Keiner kann ihn bremsen, keiner macht ihm was vor. Immer der richtige Schuss, immer zur richtigen Zeit. Superfussball, Fairer Fussball. Er ist unser Torschützenkönig und Held.

This is why I am not a gamer. This is why I am only a consumer of Nintendo products.

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i think devs and publishers should take a break with all the superproductions, a game should never cost 100m € to be made, its just ridiculous...GTAIV wasnt worth 100m €, at all...

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This gen could very well be the gen where 3rd parties plummet and Nintendo and indie games are the only viable business platforms in the industry.

Certain "journalists" will bash Nintendo because it gives them a sense of joy to put down what the inner-circle rejects. But in the end, the WiiU will hit a mass-market price with a DS-like library and it will hit them in the face just how wrong they are. The only problem is, I'm not sure they have the intelligence to realize they're been and will continue to be wrong.

Also, their big argument is the ability to subsidize the price over a subscription. It doesn't take a supercomputer to offer that service.

happydolphin said:

This gen could very well be the gen where 3rd parties plummet and Nintendo and indie games are the only viable business platforms in the industry.

Certain "journalists" will bash Nintendo because it gives them a sense of joy to put down what the inner-circle rejects. But in the end, the WiiU will hit a mass-market price with a DS-like library and it will hit them in the face just how wrong they are. The only problem is, I'm not sure they have the intelligence to realize they're been and will continue to be wrong.

Also, their big argument is the ability to subsidize the price over a subscription. It doesn't take a supercomputer to offer that service.

The GameCube hit mass market really quickly and still failed to sell.

curtiswolf said:
i would laugh too. seeing that the WiiU needs help, and alot of it. and then Nintendo saying how good the console is. it cant even run DVD's. yeah a home console alright.

Because the world isnt moving towards a digital streaming service, and everyone still buys copious amounts of DVD's. Next youll be moaning it doesnt have backwards compatibility with Nes games even though they are coming to eShop.

Current Game Machines: 3DS, Wii U, PC.

Currently Playing: X-Com(PC), Smash Bros(WiiU), Banner Saga(PC), Guild Wars 2(PC), Project X Zone(3DS), Luigis Mansion 2(3DS), DayZ(PC)

One thing thing that can't happen is Nintendo failing.
Sony can't fail either.
Microsoft can't fail either.

Each company keeps the other in check, when one company gets a leg-up and has allot of success, the other two take notice.
It's what drives each company to innovate and improve and I hope they all stick around till I have one foot in the bloody grave.

I think a nice big fat juicy price drop might push some Wii U sales along and make some 3rd parties take notice.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

DieAppleDie said:
i think devs and publishers should take a break with all the superproductions, a game should never cost 100m € to be made, its just ridiculous...GTAIV wasnt worth 100m €, at all...

Personally, I'm happy I live in a world where games are being made that cost that much, that I can play games with the level of polish and scope of Bioshock (kinda agree about GTAIV though). I'm also happy I live in a world where games are made by two dudes in a basement and are kickarse, the world has room for both extreme's. I'm not saying all games should cost that much to develop, and a game that is fun to play can be developed for much less, but like movies there is space in the market for the low budget but clever movies (District 9 as an example) but I still bloody like having the massive budget Inception/Lord of the Rings type movies.

You can say that it should be possible to make a game with the level of polish and fun on a much smaller budget, and it can be if you have extremely talented developers with a certain confined vision, but at the same time some developers have vision that just requires a lot of resources (Artists, actors, testing) and I'm glad some developers take on the risk to realise their vision. Sure, some games miss the mark and the developer ends up failing, just like some blockbusters turn out to be shitty movies that bomb (waterworld). But I'd hate for developers to stop trying. 

People act like developers are a finite resource, that when a company goes under its all doom and gloom and the end of gaming. But its not, the demand for games is still there, the developers don't physically die when a company goes under, they are absorbed by other companies or start ones of their own and start anew. Successful companies grow which allows them to take on bigger projects, some will fail, some will be blockbusters.