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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - These journalists couldn't stop smiling at Nintendo's fate

happydolphin said:
Otakumegane said:

I was actually stealth-poking at thw WiiU and how it's a port device.

(Wait Nintendo ain't funding 101?)

They are funding 101 but they didn't buy Platinum games.

I'm glad you're just poking, because otherwise it wouldn't have made much sense ;)

They should just do that if they can manage it without too much loss in talent.

Nintendo needs an action game. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

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Otakumegane said:

They should just do that if they can manage it without too much loss in talent.

Nintendo needs an action game.

It's not part of their new philosophy. Their new philosophy is partnership, not acquisition. They will acquire only in some cases where the partnership goes _really_ well. It's a sound business model.

Some of the worst examples of games journalism, there. I don't know why people are surprised or enraged, it's the equivalent of tabloid reporting. No dignity, no objectivity, no maturity.

BluGamer23 said:
JoeTheBro said:
BluGamer23 said:
VGKing said:

 actually make a really good point.The Wii U doesn't have modern tech specs so it won't get good 3rd party support. The Wii sold purely on Nintendo 1st party, mainly Wii Sports. Wii U doesn't have that going for it and its becoming obvious that yet again, 3rd party support will be lacking with this Nintendo console.

The U games that sell consoles are already there. Nintendoland and NSMBU were Nintendo's 2 killer apps targeting the mass market. It even has Black Ops 2 and Assassin's Creed 3, 2 very popular core franchises.

Nintendoland and NSMBU system sellers? HAHAHAHAHAHA .. you should have been on that panel! 

How is NSMBU not a system seller? Also Nintendoland isn't a system seller, but Nintendo was hoping it would be.

NSMBU looks the same as the wii version only in HD.. some minor changes.. why would anyone buy the same game twice?...majorty cant tell the difference.

The same can be said about Call of Duty yet that games sells millions of consoles every year.

NSMBU is a system seller and it failed to do  just that, sell systems.

Nem said:
I just find it incredible that Pachter makes a prediction of a prediction. He predicts the Xbox-next is gonna be subsidized, wich is questionable on its own since its alot of money. He predicts this subsidy will take most of the console price all the way down to 99 dollars and with all that he predicts Microsoft will win.

How ridiculous can the man get, seriously? Hes basically jumping 2 steps there. Theres alot of assuming there, and thats usually a hint.
We can just as easily assume Sony will make a partnership with samsung who will take the units price down to 99 euros if you buy a samasung TV on a lease. With this, Sony will win next gen cause the next playstation is gonna cost 99 dollars.

It... is... ridiculous. The man shouldnt be paid to say such nonsense. I dont dislike him, but when i see him giving these leaps of faith it makes me question if he realises what he is doing, or if he is just trying to generate goodwill for that outcome to happen, like he wishes it to.

There's no way ANY next-gen console will be sold at $99. Not even with a contract. $199 is more likely but even that is questionable.

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VGKing said:
Nem said:
I just find it incredible that Pachter makes a prediction of a prediction. He predicts the Xbox-next is gonna be subsidized, wich is questionable on its own since its alot of money. He predicts this subsidy will take most of the console price all the way down to 99 dollars and with all that he predicts Microsoft will win.

How ridiculous can the man get, seriously? Hes basically jumping 2 steps there. Theres alot of assuming there, and thats usually a hint.
We can just as easily assume Sony will make a partnership with samsung who will take the units price down to 99 euros if you buy a samasung TV on a lease. With this, Sony will win next gen cause the next playstation is gonna cost 99 dollars.

It... is... ridiculous. The man shouldnt be paid to say such nonsense. I dont dislike him, but when i see him giving these leaps of faith it makes me question if he realises what he is doing, or if he is just trying to generate goodwill for that outcome to happen, like he wishes it to.

There's no way ANY next-gen console will be sold at $99. Not even with a contract. $199 is more likely but even that is questionable.

Yet the man is convinced he is right. Dont you just wish you had such a great job? You can mess up all the time and still get paid. And let me tell you, he gets paid ALOT to spout this nosense.

VGKing said:

The same can be said about Call of Duty yet that games sells millions of consoles every year.

NSMBU is a system seller and it failed to do  just that, sell systems.

And as we said, that's because it doesn't sell 300$ consoles on its own. We learned that from the U.

I do not want Nintendo to fail. I want them to open their eyes and see that rereleasing iterations of old games is no longer enough. I want new, creative games like Watch Dogs, The Last of Us, Beyond, Journey, etc. Pikmin was amazing, but that was one of the only new IPs Nintendo has released, and it's now two generations old. That is ridiculous. Nintendo, bring creativity back to gaming and I will happily embrace your consoles again. If you don't, I'll just be sitting here with my PC and PS until you do.

Desktop: AMD Phenom X4 955, ATI Radeon 7950 :: Laptop: Intel i7-3532QM, ATI Radeon 7670m

Consoles: 3DS XL, PS Vita, Zelda 3DS, PS3 Super Slim, DSi, PSP Go, PS3 Fat, Wii, GameCube, PS2

Now Playing: Metroid Prime 2, Dark Souls, Fallout: New Vegas, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, Persona 4: Golden

Nem said:

Yet the man is convinced he is right. Dont you just wish you had such a great job? You can mess up all the time and still get paid. And let me tell you, he gets paid ALOT to spout this nosense.

The funniest things about this is the people that hate him on GAF and other sites help pay his check by making him and his companies more famous by the outrage they have with him. It is hilarious. No wonder he calls GAFers and others babies because they give him nothing, but reason to keep doing things that give him free publicity.

happydolphin said:

But what is even more incredible is that he isn't able to make the leap of faith that Nintendo may just have a decent 1st party (and hence 3rd party) line-up by the time its competition gets started.

The PS4 and nextbox should drop between September and November. It is already approaching May. How can anyone say the 1st and third party will be good by this time. Especially when almost all third party games are on PC, 360, PS3?

chocoloco said:
happydolphin said:

But what is even more incredible is that he isn't able to make the leap of faith that Nintendo may just have a decent 1st party (and hence 3rd party) line-up by the time its competition gets started.

The PS4 and nextbox should drop between September and November. It is already approaching May. How can anyone say the 1st and third party will be good by this time. Especially when almost all third party games are on PC, 360, PS3?

By using logic. Nintendo has barely released any games on a home console in the past 3 years. Do you think they're twiddling their thumbs?

I'll just tell you, they're not.