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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - These journalists couldn't stop smiling at Nintendo's fate

I bought the WiiU so I could skype, browse interweb and play dvd. I had no idea it can only barely do interwebs.
It's a crappy media player.

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After seeing who was on that "panel" I'm not all too surprised. Pachter? Someone from GameInformer? Yeah, there is bound to be some type of bashing towards Nintendo going on during that "discussion."

happydolphin said:

@pezus, on indies. We've already gone over that, there are reasons to believe that, and saying "just no" doesn't magically make you any more correct.

DietSoap said:
Honestly, they didn't say anything wrong actually.

Their marketing sucks, 3rd party games have shown zero commitment after the launch software numbers and bailed aside from those paid to stay, the online infrastructure is years behind, hardware is obviously effectively last gen much like the Wii, and the saving grace of the Wii U, the first party games that justify buying a new console, are still non existent.

This whole first year is proving to be a huge waste of time and money both for the consumers and retailers for the benefit solely of Nintendo.

The real Wii U launch is at the end of the year, and until then, we don't have a reason to be proud of them.

@bold. The problem is they reject that as a factor and are rejecting the U regardless of what 1st party support it gets. That's because they have pre-decided that the U will have cube-like success no matter what arguments brought to them. It's called bias and it's wrong, and causes people to say wrong (read "incorrect") things.

That's simply not true, Jeff very plainly stated those games aren't out now because they're not. He very clearly implied they are in fact important games.

VGKing said:
happydolphin said:
BasilZero said:

I dont look for articles talking about negative aspects (infact majority of the articles I find are on this site l0l) about video game systems especially ones that come up with crazy conspiracy theories and whatnot. I'm either too busy playing a game myself/with friends , posting here ;p or making videos of game playthroughs - as far as my free time/gaming time is concerned.

But ya the article makers dont care, as long as they get hits they'll just keep rehashing the articles with different words and headline titles.  Media loves to twist things - its just not the video game industry/journalism industry.

Some of us hold the industry and its journalists to a higher standard than you. To each their own, but I prefer clean and fair journalism.

I also love my games.

VGKing said:
Look at N64 and look at Gamecube. Now look at Wii and Wii U.....It is obvious that Nintendo caught lightning in a bottle with the Wii. The Wii U will most likely perform closer to N64 or the Gamecube in terms of sales.

There's nothing wrong with these journalists, they represent how the majority of gamers feel. Look at their attitudes and it shows exactly why Wii U sales are so low.


@and with the DS, ... and with the 3DS, right? It's not just a one-shot success, they have the recipe, they just haven't used it. The U games that sell Nintendo consoles are not ready yet, but this is not the Wii, the U still has 2 years to get to where the Wii was when it first launched.

There is something wrong with journalists when they use poor arguments to shun the Wii U in a discussion regarding HW sales projections for the END of the generation.

Your glasses are tinted pink.


They actually make a really good point.The Wii U doesn't have modern tech specs so it won't get good 3rd party support. The Wii sold purely on Nintendo 1st party, mainly Wii Sports. Wii U doesn't have that going for it and its becoming obvious that yet again, 3rd party support will be lacking with this Nintendo console.

The U games that sell consoles are already there. Nintendoland and NSMBU were Nintendo's 2 killer apps targeting the mass market. It even has Black Ops 2 and Assassin's Creed 3, 2 very popular core franchises.

Nintendoland and NSMBU system sellers? HAHAHAHAHAHA .. you should have been on that panel! 


BluGamer23 said:
VGKing said:
happydolphin said:
BasilZero said:

I dont look for articles talking about negative aspects (infact majority of the articles I find are on this site l0l) about video game systems especially ones that come up with crazy conspiracy theories and whatnot. I'm either too busy playing a game myself/with friends , posting here ;p or making videos of game playthroughs - as far as my free time/gaming time is concerned.

But ya the article makers dont care, as long as they get hits they'll just keep rehashing the articles with different words and headline titles.  Media loves to twist things - its just not the video game industry/journalism industry.

Some of us hold the industry and its journalists to a higher standard than you. To each their own, but I prefer clean and fair journalism.

I also love my games.

VGKing said:
Look at N64 and look at Gamecube. Now look at Wii and Wii U.....It is obvious that Nintendo caught lightning in a bottle with the Wii. The Wii U will most likely perform closer to N64 or the Gamecube in terms of sales.

There's nothing wrong with these journalists, they represent how the majority of gamers feel. Look at their attitudes and it shows exactly why Wii U sales are so low.


@and with the DS, ... and with the 3DS, right? It's not just a one-shot success, they have the recipe, they just haven't used it. The U games that sell Nintendo consoles are not ready yet, but this is not the Wii, the U still has 2 years to get to where the Wii was when it first launched.

There is something wrong with journalists when they use poor arguments to shun the Wii U in a discussion regarding HW sales projections for the END of the generation.

Your glasses are tinted pink.


They actually make a really good point.The Wii U doesn't have modern tech specs so it won't get good 3rd party support. The Wii sold purely on Nintendo 1st party, mainly Wii Sports. Wii U doesn't have that going for it and its becoming obvious that yet again, 3rd party support will be lacking with this Nintendo console.

The U games that sell consoles are already there. Nintendoland and NSMBU were Nintendo's 2 killer apps targeting the mass market. It even has Black Ops 2 and Assassin's Creed 3, 2 very popular core franchises.

Nintendoland and NSMBU system sellers? HAHAHAHAHAHA .. you should have been on that panel! 

How is NSMBU not a system seller? Also Nintendoland isn't a system seller, but Nintendo was hoping it would be.

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It's funny to me that people claim that Nintendo doesn't have any third party support....when that simply isn't true. They have far more confirmed developers than they do ones that aren't outright supporting them.

Crytek, Capcom, Ubisoft, TT Games, WB, Square Enix, Criterion, Atlus, Namco Bandai, Sega, Platinum and Indie devs popping up left and right; versus EA (minus Criterion), Deep Silver, Epic (UE3 support only), and CD Projekt RED.

Anyone else is pure speculation on either side of the argument until E3 is said and done. There are almost no games announced for next-gen consoles anyway so it is a little early to say that they won't have any third party support. This is a fairly old article, but it definitely tells where the industry is headed.

RicardJulianti said:
It's funny to me that people claim that Nintendo doesn't have any third party support....when that simply isn't true. They have far more confirmed developers than they do ones that aren't outright supporting them.

Crytek, Capcom, Ubisoft, TT Games, WB, Square Enix, Criterion, Atlus, Namco Bandai, Sega, Platinum and Indie devs popping up left and right; versus EA (minus Criterion), Deep Silver, Epic (UE3 support only), and CD Projekt RED.

Anyone else is pure speculation on either side of the argument until E3 is said and done. There are almost no games announced for next-gen consoles anyway so it is a little early to say that they won't have any third party support. This is a fairly old article, but it definitely tells where the industry is headed.

Crytek-EA making sure WiiU never gets games, even though Crysis ran on WiiU.

Capcom-MH3U is a port. So is Resident Evil:R

Ubisoft-Ok yeah this one's decnet.

Square Enix-Deus Ex director's cut. Pretty much a dang port. DQX also a port.

Criterion-Port NFSMW

Platinum-You do realize Nintendo bought these guys for the games.

Bamco-Tank!Tank!Tank tanked. 

Sega-Sonic sells well on Nintendo consoles. Actually there are people that don't know Sega isn't a Nintendo character.

Everyone else-UE4. Pretty much that. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Th3PANO said:
UltimateUnknown said:
Well the laughing part was somewhat silly perhaps, but the Wii U is kind of irrelevant in terms of 3rd party support when compared to the PS4 and 720, which is what they were laughing at.

they also talked about wii u not really being next gen, so i guess ps 2 wasn't next gen back then?

Ummm... are you saying PS2 was on par with Saturn/PlayStation/N64 then?  Otherwise that makes absolutely no sense.  The technical gaps from PS2 to GC/Xbox is completely different than Wii U to PS4/720 or Wii to PS360.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

JoeTheBro said:
BluGamer23 said:
VGKing said:

 actually make a really good point.The Wii U doesn't have modern tech specs so it won't get good 3rd party support. The Wii sold purely on Nintendo 1st party, mainly Wii Sports. Wii U doesn't have that going for it and its becoming obvious that yet again, 3rd party support will be lacking with this Nintendo console.

The U games that sell consoles are already there. Nintendoland and NSMBU were Nintendo's 2 killer apps targeting the mass market. It even has Black Ops 2 and Assassin's Creed 3, 2 very popular core franchises.

Nintendoland and NSMBU system sellers? HAHAHAHAHAHA .. you should have been on that panel! 

How is NSMBU not a system seller? Also Nintendoland isn't a system seller, but Nintendo was hoping it would be.

NSMBU looks the same as the wii version only in HD.. some minor changes.. why would anyone buy the same game twice?...majorty cant tell the difference.


BluGamer23 said:
JoeTheBro said:
BluGamer23 said:
VGKing said:

 actually make a really good point.The Wii U doesn't have modern tech specs so it won't get good 3rd party support. The Wii sold purely on Nintendo 1st party, mainly Wii Sports. Wii U doesn't have that going for it and its becoming obvious that yet again, 3rd party support will be lacking with this Nintendo console.

The U games that sell consoles are already there. Nintendoland and NSMBU were Nintendo's 2 killer apps targeting the mass market. It even has Black Ops 2 and Assassin's Creed 3, 2 very popular core franchises.

Nintendoland and NSMBU system sellers? HAHAHAHAHAHA .. you should have been on that panel! 

How is NSMBU not a system seller? Also Nintendoland isn't a system seller, but Nintendo was hoping it would be.

NSMBU looks the same as the wii version only in HD.. some minor changes.. why would anyone buy the same game twice?...majorty cant tell the difference.

You should ask this question to CoD players or anyone that buys sports games yearly.