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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - These journalists couldn't stop smiling at Nintendo's fate

el_gallo said:

I have to seriously wonder if almost anyone watched this video. It was a complete joke.


Nintendo might have a chance because they are offering a compelling solution at a price that can still drop into impulse buy area. Sony and Microsoft can still drop their current gen consoles but that will just make the next gen solutions look that much more expensive (not that most of them weren't bought at $199 Christmas sales anyway the last couple years.)

Microsoft is being downgraded. Sony is almost broke. Both are doubling down on failed strategies.

Agreed. I doubt that anyone here have read your post, because people here don´t like long texts, but I do agree with your point-of-view.

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Having a multi-billion dollar round up off franchises and letting it go to waste because you stick to an aged business strategy is indeed laughable at best.

I don't want them to do bad enough to go bankrupt, as they're basically the company of my youth, but I DO want them to sweat and suffer enough to force them to be great again.

I want Nintendo to go back to their NES/SNES mindset. I want them to take Sony and MS head on. I want a state of the art system, with a modern, integrated online infrastructure ala XBL or PSN. I want a Zelda title that is mature, dark, offer full voice over work (sans Link) and is reminiscent of LOTR in feel. I want a Metroid with the budget and production of a Halo title. I want Nintendo to create a system that is SO appealing to third parties, that they can't stay away.

I want Nintendo to be the Nintendo I grew up with, and the only way that's possible is if they're forced into it. And even that's probably wishful thinking. The Wii-U failing is my hope.

aikohualda said:
PullusPardus said:
Gaming industry have become one of the most stupid and idiotic mediums ever, all thanks to these hipster journalists.

hipster journalist LOL

do you want g4 to return?

No, they're all equally bad, people on youtube are more amusing, you know, the actual gamers who play the games.

People only want to nintendo to fail because Nintendo do not deliver what they want. Also I don't think its nintendo in general, everyone is in love with the 3DS now becauseit has the games and the right price.

Lets not beat around the bush, Nintendo were arrogant with the Wii U, giving unimpressive hardware, a weak launch line up and charging a near premium price for the system.

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I won't laugh. But I do remember the elation gamers and gaming journalists alike felt at Sony's apparent demise at the beginning of the current gen. Sadly, it's human nature to find joy in the failures of those arty the top. Schadenfreude is the proper term I believe.

BasilZero said:

50/50 - I still think they are just egging people just to get cheap hits just like a few reviewers giving bad scores to a game that gets mostly good scores.

Either ways people are just encouraging them to make the same argument again and again through different means and forms just by listening to what they say.

I disagree with this, if people are allowed to spew bullshit and nobody complains, then nothing gets fixed either. There needs to be accountability.

Unless you're for mediocrity, which I don't think you are.

This show is downright hilarious. Let's run the LOL's down....

Nintendo is doomed...

Again. That makes it every generation now, doesn't it. I'm sure this time it's for real.

Pachter admits to making everything up...

Seriously, how can he admit that on live TV, and still have a analyst job in any field?

The best of all: the future of the gaming industry is not games. It's TV. Yay, The gaming industry is saved :)...

How can a show about a new generation of gaming devices not be about games? Doesn't the fact that it isn't about games, show what the real problem is?

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.

AnthonyW86 said:
Having a multi-billion dollar round up off franchises and letting it go to waste because you stick to an aged business strategy is indeed laughable at best.

What does that have to do with their roundtable though? That wasn't the topic, and your assessment couldn't dream of being remotely true.

DélioPT said:

What i don`t get is how Skype is awesome and will be good for MS, yet Wii U`s vídeo chat isn`t even worth mentioning.

skype is a well known name and MS is gonna advertise probably better adn wii u chat is just wii u chat.

Tsubasa Ozora

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