So I never played any Tomb Raider games back in the 90s, even though they were familiar to me through gaming magazines. It just didn't interest me. Things have changed nowadays and I got myself the Tomb Raider I-III collection a couple of weeks ago. And now I played the first game for an hour, so here's my impression:
Holy cow, these controls are disgusting! This remaster collection features tank controls and modern controls as a variation, but both suck hard in my opinion. Jump mechanics are shit, swim mechanics are even worse, shooting is terribly imprecise, moving and shooting is possible but hitting anything when doing that barely works without taking a few hits. Probably the biggest issue for the controls is the level architecture and the frustrating platforming. In a good game both should work in tandem and complement each other, however, here it feels like the biggest enemy are not wolfs and bears but the game designers.
How on earth did this game become so popular? And most importantly, will it get any better? Maybe it has a slow start and become good at some point, I don't know. So far, it feels terribly boring and frustrating to play. Are the other two games the same?
Last edited by GoOnKid - 5 days ago