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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: Bloodborne in next State of play

The title sounds like a bold prediction, but I think in the next state of play Sony is going to show Bloodborne.

It might be a remake, it might be a performance patch - but it’ll be Bloodborne running at 60fps either way.

I think this because they just asked Lance McDonald to take his mod down.  Sony have known about the mod since 2021 and probably want it down as to not confuse Bloodborne 60fps mod with their official offering.

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

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SteamMyAnimeList and Twitter - PSN: Gustavo_Valim - Switch FC: 6390-8693-0129 (=^・ω・^=)

How much of these sorts of things does Sony take down? Is this a rare instance? Or just a cherrypicked instance (among of sea of takedowns) which is being pushed to push the hope that “Bloodbourn Remaster is coming soon!”?

firebush03 said:

How much of these sorts of things does Sony take down? Is this a rare instance? Or just a cherrypicked instance (among of sea of takedowns) which is being pushed to push the hope that “Bloodbourn Remaster is coming soon!”?

It's more the timing of the takedown. Although I don't think Sony typically has a history of doing takedowns. But the mod was up for 4 years. Lance even met Yoshida 3 months ago (at least that's when he posted about it) and told him to his face that he made the 60fps mod. Yoshida apparently laughed it off. Could just be coincidence, but PlayStation was well aware of the mods existence. 

So the timing is certainly interesting.

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 31 January 2025

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:
firebush03 said:

How much of these sorts of things does Sony take down? Is this a rare instance? Or just a cherrypicked instance (among of sea of takedowns) which is being pushed to push the hope that “Bloodbourn Remaster is coming soon!”?

It's more the timing of the takedown. Although I don't think Sony typically has a history of doing takedowns. But the mod was up for 4 years. Lance even met Yoshida 3 months ago (at least that's when he posted about it) and told him to his face that he made the 60fps. Yoshida apparently laughed it off. Could just be coincidence, but PlayStation was well aware of the mods existence. 

So the timing is certainly interesting.

i see. I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see. With how things have been going (e.g. Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered, The Last of Us: Part 1/2 Remastered, Until Dawn Remastered, SpiderMan Remastered, etc.), I would bet a great deal of money that Sony is going to do a Bloodbourn Remastered for PS5 & PC very soon…unless they’re looking to pull a “Windwaker + Twilight Princess HD (NSW)”.

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I see no chance of it happening.

Seems like coping. That also happened with GTA4 too right before its tenth anniversary but nothing happened.






I'll just say I'll be really mad if they took this down and there ISN'T a remaster or remake in development.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!