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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Acclaimed cyberpunk FPS Turbo Overkill out now on all major consoles

Originally released on PC in 2023 to overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam, Turbo Overkill is a retro indie FPS that focuses on movement and over the top action, and it's available today on Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, and Xbox One.

Been waiting for this one for years now; played through the first level and so far it's absolutely brilliant.

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Played the demo on Xbox and it's awesome. Ion whatever sucked ass but this was great! Already bought a bunch of games this month so need to hold off a while but I agree. It's awesome! Is it indie as Apogee (3D Realms) made it tho which are owned by Saber Interactive.

Last edited by Leynos - on 29 January 2025

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Played the demo on Xbox and it's awesome. Ion whatever sucked ass but this was great! Already bought a bunch of games this month so need to hold off a while but I agree. It's awesome! Is it indie as Apogee (3D Realms) made it tho which are owned by Saber Interactive.

Trigger Happy Interactive who developed it are indie (and pretty much just one guy in New Zealand) Apogee are the publisher, so I guess one could argue it's not technically indie, but then again, that would also rule out a multitude of games that are generally thought of as such.

I guess it's just quicker and easier to say than "low budget project by a small developer" haha

Had to look up what is "boomer shooter".


I guess it's catchier than Gen-X shooter, given that that's what people who made those original FPS games were part of.

HoloDust said:

Had to look up what is "boomer shooter".


I guess it's catchier than Gen-X shooter, given that that's what people who made those original FPS games were part of.

I hate the term. I prefer Doomer Shooter since everything in that era was chasing Doom.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Leynos said:
HoloDust said:

Had to look up what is "boomer shooter".


I guess it's catchier than Gen-X shooter, given that that's what people who made those original FPS games were part of.

I hate the term. I prefer Doomer Shooter since everything in that era was chasing Doom.

Yeah, that would make much more sense.

Holy moly I just reached mission 6 on this, and it is incredible.

At first I thought it was fun but I wasn't blown away; I was mostly playing conservatively and getting the hang of it.

Then, tonight, it clicked. I got into the rhythm of dashing around, quick-swapping weapons, juggling multiple opponents at once in a frenzy of pyrotechnics, and it was f---ing amazing, some of the most fun I've had with a game in a long time.

After clearing a particular room I felt like I had to pause and physically catch my breath from the intensity of it.

Great game.

Giving me Duke-nuke-em vibes.

Don't play this on Xbox Series. I was loving the game then after I defeated a boss named Jazz. Game crashed than deleted most of my progress. Never touching this game again. Loved it while it lasted but I am not replaying all that.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

This looks amazing