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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kingdom Come Deliverence 2 reviews Opencritic 89


KCD2 opencritic 89...

I'm in day one 4 28.57%
Will wait for a sale 7 50.00%
Not interested 3 21.43%

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 4 days ago

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I think it'll be in the high 80s. Seeing the reactivity of the world and the previews, sounds like old-school Bethesda is back in the best way possible. I enjoyed the first game even though it was a buggy mess, but so far, performance has seen a massive improvement. Gonna grind this game before Avowed releases!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I loved KCD but I'm cautiously optimistic about this, I hope it isn't full of bugs on 1.0. Might wait for a sale cause I have so many in my backlog and PS+ games aren't complete ass this month. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 29 January 2025

G2ThaUNiT said:

I think it'll be in the high 80s. Seeing the reactivity of the world and the previews, sounds like old-school Bethesda is back in the best way possible. I enjoyed the first game even though it was a buggy mess, but so far, performance has seen a massive improvement. Gonna grind this game before Avowed releases!

I'd say high 80's too judging by these hands on but I suppose reviewers are more casual. 

Only 7 hours but here is another very trustworthy opinion. 

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Yeah I think high 80s as well. Really excited for this

Koragg said:

Yeah I think high 80s as well. Really excited for this

From all the previews I've seen, it's running really well and all, polished like whoch took the first over a year to get stable and still isn't polished. Thing is about the reviews though, Journalists hate hardcore games and they especially hate this time period cause there is no racial diversity, I reckon a few will score it lower out of spite but it won't effect sales, and I expect this to sell well cause they managed to get the game out to 8 million people through Flash sales and what not.

^ detauls for launch.

If I don't go in on this on day one, I'll def be in on the first sale. It depends on HLTB. I don't want this to be anymore than 50 hours, heck 40ish would be nice and I've seen news that puts it at 100 hours, I hope this is main+sides and side content isn't softly forced to be able to take on the main quest.

It's getting that time. I'll be skipping a day one release even if it releases to critical aclaim just bevause I have so many games I have yet to get through and MH worlds is gonna be a time sink but still excited to see how it pans out and see some full game reviews and opinions.