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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mario Bros Wonder or Zelda Echoes of Wisdom


Which game do you think is better?

Super Mario Bros Wonder 28 87.50%
The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom 4 12.50%

The twilight years of the Switch saw both the first new main 2D Mario and the first new main top down Zelda in over a decade.

Of these two revivals, which do you think was the better game, and what's your argument for why your pick is better?

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MW by far. There is nothing wonderful about MW but EoW looks repulsive to me.

I love EoW…but it’s not even a competition. A really good action-adventure game versus one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time.

Not even a competition.

Super Mario Bros Wonder is a better game than The Legend of Zelda Echoes of Wisdom.

Super Mario Bros Wonder. Didnt like The Legend Of Zelda: Echoes Of Wisdom unfortunately.

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SMB Wonder is fantastic.

I think Super Mario Bros. Wonder wins this easily. It’s a brilliant platformer, let down only by some superfluous features and a general lack of difficulty.

Echoes, by comparison, has more structural flaws.

Main game vs. spinoff, that's an easy pick.

Imagine if you could only play SMB Wonder with a bar that shows how many jumps you have left in each level.
"But... but... that's totally stupid."
Yes, it is. And that's what Echoes of Wisdom is.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:

Main game vs. spinoff, that's an easy pick.

Imagine if you could only play SMB Wonder with a bar that shows how many jumps you have left in each level.
"But... but... that's totally stupid."
Yes, it is. And that's what Echoes of Wisdom is.

It's Mario, but that's solely because I haven't played Echoes of Wisdom so there's nothing I can say here 😅

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Not really into Zelda, and EoW didn't appealed to me.

But Super Mario Bros. Wonder is an amazing game, so it gets my vote.