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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Stalker 2 and indiana jones looks like trash on series s

I'm disappopinted i had to delete both off gamepass, after spendind around an hr on each. I was excited for both games , sadly. It pisses me off why they won't take the time to optimise properly for the console. I know the series s is way more capable to deliver graphics that isn't motion blurred and smeared. I'd rather play ps3 games with less detailed textures, but at least i can see the texture, and not motion blur/smear that takes away all the detail of the texture. Who would have though gaming in 2025 is going backwards. 

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Oh please, such an overreaction. I’m playing IJ right now on a Series S in fact and it looks completely playable. Far from “trash”

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Yeah, I agree with Versus above. I’ve played both on Series S and didn’t notice these issues. I ultimately stopped playing Indy, but that’s because the gameplay loop failed to grab me, not because of any graphical inadequacies. And I continue to play STALKER 2 on Series S, and love it — although I don’t love how much storage it takes up

For what it’s worth, I always turn off motion blur when it’s an option.

If your buying a next gen console that has a weaker GPU than a last gen console (Xbone X), what do you expect? 

I tried to youtube it.... to see if it was as bad as your saying.
I think this is just the differnce between a 4Tflops GPU and a 12 Tflop one.

This isn't as bad as some PS4 -> Switch ports.
And plenty of people seem okay with that, and those sacrifices in visuals (to be able to play that portable).

video I used:

(full screen and 4k it, and compare... and its just the differnce in the power of the two systems imo, not poor optimizations or anything.)

If anything, maybe they could have done a 30fps mode on the Series S, that then ran with higher resolution and texture settings....

but they choose not to.

If your sensitive to low resolution and smeared textures.... you should have gotten a Series X or PS5 instead of the S.

This is mostly the difference between running 800p-1080p (series S) vs 1800p-2160p (series X) dynamically.

I watched a 4k video with Stalker 2, comparing the Series S to the X, and the difference there is much less drastic than the Indiana Jones one.
Like with it, I wouldn't care if I played one version or the other.... Indie does look noticeably better on the X though.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 26 January 2025

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I'll be playing it on the PS5 Pro. I didn't buy a 4K HDR TV to play at 800p-1080p...

Playing on PC is of course always an option, yet what MS doesn't realize is gamers get older as well. I'm 50, my wife and I are currently heavily invested in PoE2. Best place to play that for us is on the couch on PS5 Pro. (Still sometimes struggles to keep up at 1440p60 in couch co-op but overall crisp with locked 60fps). We don't want to faff about with a PC in the living room and have the means to spend money on dedicated hardware that make life easier. It takes 10 seconds to get both of us into the game from rest mode.

By ditching (high end) consoles, MS will be ditching their maturing audience. We were hardcore PC gamers 20 years ago, before kids. Now it's mobile and consoles, not gonna sit behind a desk again to play or manage a PC next to the TV. Yet we still want lag free good performance. No streaming nonsense or fuzzy resolution.

For how weak the Series S is those two games were actually optimized for it quite well. Big games will look worse and worse on it as this decade goes on due to how low end it is GPU wise so you may wanna consider upgrading if you can afford to.

Last edited by Norion - on 26 January 2025

Would you prefer Indie at 30fps, 1440p? The image does currently look soft but kinda what I would expect from a Series S game pushing high frame rates and raytraycing.

JRPGfan said:

What a trash indeed, Kratoslives!!! I am really sorry that you have to deal with such abomination!! My eyes bleeded with a quick glance. Sending my prayers for you and all the developers that are forcing themselves to have a hard time with Series S

You cant even recognize the game, looks like a total different thing. Sorry again, Kratos, but thank you for your sacrifice! I wont get close of a Series S

Last edited by 160rmf - on 28 January 2025



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