I tried to youtube it.... to see if it was as bad as your saying.
I think this is just the differnce between a 4Tflops GPU and a 12 Tflop one.
This isn't as bad as some PS4 -> Switch ports.
And plenty of people seem okay with that, and those sacrifices in visuals (to be able to play that portable).
video I used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cSj0Biulqs
(full screen and 4k it, and compare... and its just the differnce in the power of the two systems imo, not poor optimizations or anything.)
If anything, maybe they could have done a 30fps mode on the Series S, that then ran with higher resolution and texture settings....
but they choose not to.
If your sensitive to low resolution and smeared textures.... you should have gotten a Series X or PS5 instead of the S.
This is mostly the difference between running 800p-1080p (series S) vs 1800p-2160p (series X) dynamically.
I watched a 4k video with Stalker 2, comparing the Series S to the X, and the difference there is much less drastic than the Indiana Jones one.
Like with it, I wouldn't care if I played one version or the other.... Indie does look noticeably better on the X though.
Last edited by JRPGfan - on 26 January 2025