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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Would you buy GTA6 at 100 dollars/Euros? (Poll)


GTA goes for 100 price point.

I'd still buy 8 9.09%
No purchase for me 22 25.00%
I'd wait for a sale 30 34.09%
I'd buy it and then give up new games totally 1 1.14%
I have no interest in GTA6 27 30.68%

An industry analyst is hoping for this to be the case. If this were to happen and it effected all games, personally I'd do what I'm doing now and waiting for sales, I'll give them the money I think their game deserves when they drop the price and if they don't drop it they don't get my sale (Hi Nintendo fist party). Only TW4 with 90+ aggregates would get me paying that as a base price. 


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Topical video ai came across. 

No way! Will be 80$/€ max! Nark my words!!

I am not too interested in GTA6. Usually get GTA games much later after their prices have dropped significantly. But would be fine paying $100 per high-budget (AAA) game, if and only if micro-transactions are heavily limited/non-existent and expansion packs/DLC are free unless it is a major enough expansion to be a game in its own right (think Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna The Golden Country) and said expansion is sold at a proportional price based on content vs. main game.

A lot of the bad trends in the gaming industry are exacerbated by the fact that game prices have been somewhat declining over the last few decades when accounting for inflation. 

$60 in January 2020 is about $73.40 in December 2024. The end of that year we saw AAA game prices jump to $70. So games are slightly cheaper now than in the beginning of 2020. 

$100 would put us about where games cost in the early 90's. 

$80 seems more realistic of a price than $100 given that cartridges were more expensive than discs/downloads, but I wouldn't mind $90 or $100 if the conditions earlier in my post were met. 

Last edited by sc94597 - on 21 January 2025

No. I already think 70 bucks is too much.

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No. I can buy dozens of games, literally dozens of games, with 100€. Even if I buy physical, I can get good deals for 2-3 games for that amount. No way GTA VI is going to give me that much value, especially when it will eventually go down (and I have a massive backlog already, so I'm not in a hurry). Hell, I haven't played GTA V, so that's that.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

70 is ok. Maybe they charge 100$/€. And if it unexpectedly does not meet sales expectations they could use the stupid PS3 "excuse": "But but but its too expensive... wait till it gets cheaper..." oh wait... we know how that turned out...🤣😂

The day devs start adding an extra digit is the day I remove all three and start buying used physical.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Not even for free. I can download GTAV on PSN with PS+ and won't.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

When they started sending out patches to make the game more politically correct, GTA died for me. I have no interest in that franchise anymore. It's become the very thing it was meant to poke fun at.