Terrible, and I do mean, TERRIBLE idea!
Granted, GTA VI is one of the very, VERY few games that could get away with a $100 price tag. But I could probably count the number of games that could get away with it on one hand and still have fingers left over!
Absolutely not! Games are expensive enough at $60-70, if you were to hike them all up to $100 across the board, software sales are going to crater, and these publishers are going to realize very quickly how much of a horrible mistake they've made when their revenue plummets.
If publishers think they can't make enough money with their games priced at $60-70. I got a simple solution for them - LOWER YOUR FUCKING BUDGET! We don't need to see every little pore on the main character's face when we're not even going to be paying attention to it most of the time. Stop putting so much emphasis on AAA games and nothing BUT AAA games that try to push the system to its absolute limits, because you're going to be bleeding and hurting for money each time and if just one or two of them underperform, you're in deep trouble. Focus more and having smaller budget, niche titles that can still make you a good profit!
There's no reason why Activision, for example, has to pump millions and millions more into each Call of Duty game each year, and banking on it to sell more to maintain their profit margins, when they could just make a good Crash or Spyro game on a reasonable budget and make plenty of profit on those games to make up for it.
Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 21 January 2025