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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTA 6 Costing As Much As $100 Could Help Video Game Industry Rebound In 2025, Analyst Says

Veteran investment analyst and researcher Matthew Ball of Epyllion has released a gargantuan, 219-page report about the "State of Video Gaming in 2025," and some of the presentation looks at how the video game industry can possibly grow in 2025. In a section titled "How Player, Playertime, and Player Spend Might Return to Growth," Ball mentioned a variety of opportunities, including Grand Theft Auto VI costing as much as $100 when it launches this year.


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"has released a gargantuan, 219-page report about the "State of Video Gaming in 2025," [...] mentioned a variety of opportunities, including Grand Theft Auto VI costing as much as $100 when it launches this year.

What a piece of buyed shit that guy is. 219 pages to just say "companies have to use GTAVI as excuse to start scamming people from now on".
And why not a 250$ price? Is even a bigger "opportunity".

I hope they'll do that. Launching GTAVI at a 100 dollar price, please. PLEASE. I really want to know what will happen XD

Terrible, and I do mean, TERRIBLE idea!

Granted, GTA VI is one of the very, VERY few games that could get away with a $100 price tag. But I could probably count the number of games that could get away with it on one hand and still have fingers left over!

Absolutely not! Games are expensive enough at $60-70, if you were to hike them all up to $100 across the board, software sales are going to crater, and these publishers are going to realize very quickly how much of a horrible mistake they've made when their revenue plummets.

If publishers think they can't make enough money with their games priced at $60-70. I got a simple solution for them - LOWER YOUR FUCKING BUDGET! We don't need to see every little pore on the main character's face when we're not even going to be paying attention to it most of the time. Stop putting so much emphasis on AAA games and nothing BUT AAA games that try to push the system to its absolute limits, because you're going to be bleeding and hurting for money each time and if just one or two of them underperform, you're in deep trouble. Focus more and having smaller budget, niche titles that can still make you a good profit!

There's no reason why Activision, for example, has to pump millions and millions more into each Call of Duty game each year, and banking on it to sell more to maintain their profit margins, when they could just make a good Crash or Spyro game on a reasonable budget and make plenty of profit on those games to make up for it.

Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 21 January 2025

HAHAHAHA! Get fucked. I wasn't buying GTA anyway but I am not buying 100 dollar video games.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Gta makes so much money, they can get away with selling the game at $15.

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PAOerfulone said:

if you were to hike them all up to $100 across the board, software sales are going to crater

I SWEAR I would laugh my ass off, in that hypothetical situation.

Industry would maybe got a crunch not seen since 1983.

If GTA VI ever costs 100$, I hope it makes people realize that buying day one is the worst option near universally. Seriously, how many games end up going down significantly a month or two after launch?

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

It wouldn't shock me if it's $80.

I went through whole presentation yesterday, some very interesting data in there.
As a board-gamer, I've already experienced price increasing quite a bit from where they were 10 years ago, especially during and after COVID, so not really surprised to see VG industry doing the same.

I don't think Rockstar cares too much about the price for the game itself. They care more about getting a huge install base and make cash with GTA Online, as they did for the last 12 years.

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