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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Trying to remember a SNES game

There was this game I played quite a bit when I was younger on SNES and I can't remember for the life of me what it was called. Pretty sure it was a turn based JPRG with mechs, if anyone has any guesses. I tried googling and it definitely wasn't front mission lol

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Maybe a Super Robot Wars game. There are a few of them on Super Famicom

Jutei Senki

Cyber Knight is another one

I know of many mech games on the SNES, but as for turn-based games, I think you have to go with Super Famicom if not Front Mission. There is Gunhazard, which, again, SFC was a side-scrolling ARPG. Cybernator and Metal Warriors are side-scrolling action games. Now, on PS1, you have something like Xenogears, which has mechs as turn-based. SNES has a couple of Mech Warrior games which are first person.

Last edited by Leynos - on 18 January 2025

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

Maybe a Super Robot Wars game. There are a few of them on Super Famicom

Jutei Senki

Cyber Knight is another one

I know of many mech games on the SNES, but as for turn-based games, I think you have to go with Super Famicom if not Front Mission. There is Gunhazard, which, again, SFC was a side-scrolling ARPG. Cybernator and Metal Warriors are side-scrolling action games. Now, on PS1, you have something like Xenogears, which has mechs as turn-based. SNES has a couple of Mech Warrior games which are first person.

thanks for the reply! I thought I remembered mechs but it was actually robots(no pilot)! This detail made it pretty easy to find the game I was after

I recognized this boxart immediately, much like the Evolution games on Dreamcast probably not the best games but ones I hold a lot of nostalgia for.

I was gonna say Front mission