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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why doesn't this site include Steam Deck sales?

I was kinda curious as to how much it's sold but it doesn't appear to be included despite there being a lot of other obscure consoles listed here. Is there a reason for it not being included?

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I dont even think Valve releases sales data for the Steam Deck.

I guess you have to draw the line somewhere or else why not add laptops or phones as well. It's closer by design to a computer than a traditional console. And like a computer - unless i'm wrong - it doesn't have a single game designed specifically for its hardware.

Some answers here



We reap what we sow

It's a PC not a console. Sales are probably somehere between 3- 5 million.

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Hopefully Valve says how much it's sold since the SD 2 could be when handheld PC's start really taking of and it'd be nice to compare them.

Koragg said:

It's a PC not a console. Sales are probably somehere between 3- 5 million.

I personally think its slightly higher.... like above 5m (though probably not by alot).

also as Koragg and more added..... this is a pc, not a console.

exceedingdeath said:

I guess you have to draw the line somewhere or else why not add laptops or phones as well. It's closer by design to a computer than a traditional console. And like a computer - unless i'm wrong - it doesn't have a single game designed specifically for its hardware.

There is at least one, Aperture Desk Job. Also to all all the people saying it's a PC, I think it would be absolutely valid to track sales of the Deck (if such data was available in the first place), and no, the site wouldn't have to track the Sony Vaio whatever too because of a supposedly very hard to draw line between those two devices. Or they could just stop tracking Xbox too, since everything "is an Xbox" now.

Ryzen 7 5700G

Radeon RX 6750 XT

16 GB of RAM

Steam Deck 

Nintendo Switch OLED