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Forums - Sony Discussion - Would you have tried out the canceled God Of War Live service game? (Poll)


I would have given the Gaas God Of War game...

A fair chance 1 10.00%
A day one purchase, no questions 0 0%
No heed at all, get it away from me 9 90.00%
No opinion one way or the other 0 0%

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Damn! Bend Studio we knew were working on a live service game, but Bluepoint making a God of War live service?!? I definitely did not see coming! What a waste. And to think these were the only projects the studios were working on and now have to start over. At least they're not getting shutdown like Firewalk and London Studio did after their live service games.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I was shocked reading that headline. I had to do a double take to make sure I wasn't tripping.

I'm not one to get worked up over the live service initiative but this is horrific. I get Bend wanted to do something rather than Days Gone 2, but why have Bluepoint do a live service game at all? That's a failure you could see from a continent away.

That is nightmare fuel.

Bluepoint + God of War + GaaS

Let Bluepoint do other stuff

Let God of War be a single player experience

And enough with the GaaS /live service stuff.

I'm glad this was cancelled.


Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Around the Network

The only way a live service God of War could work would be a fighting game like Mortal Kombat.

And even then it would have a tough time finding an audience.

PotentHerbs said:

The only way a live service God of War could work would be a fighting game like Mortal Kombat.

That sounds awful lol

BasilZero said:

That sounds awful lol

I can actually get behind a project like that lol. Especially if the roster has Greek and Norse Gods. 

The live service obsession within Playstation this generation is so mind numbingly stupid. I hope we get a reveal one day who's golden idea this whole mess came from.

I'm glad these waste of talent marvel rivals money bag chasing schemes are slowly getting cut and hopefully these studios can now get back to what they do best.

NoLimitVito said:

The live service obsession within Playstation this generation is so mind numbingly stupid. I hope we get a reveal one day who's golden idea this whole mess came from.

I'm glad these waste of talent marvel rivals money bag chasing schemes are slowly getting cut and hopefully these studios can now get back to what they do best.

Wasnt it the idea pushed by the last President of SIE?

Edit: Jim Ryan, had to google lol