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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How would you plan Switch 2's launch year to be the most successful?

With the Switch 2 reveal imminent in days or weeks, we'll soon start getting the details on Nintendo's plans this year for next gen. But what would be the most ideal strategy in your mind? Lay it all out here, if you were in charge, what would you be hitting the world with in 2025 (assuming the system is a basic generational upgrade over the Switch without any crazy new design or features).

1. Personally, I'd say late May / early June launch for right when kids and college students (at least in the US, no idea how other countries school schedules operate) have just gotten out of or are about to get out of school for the summer. Priced at $399.99.

2. Must have 3D Mario on launch day. And back that up with Metroid Prime 4 released cross gen on launch day with upgraded visuals for the next gen version. Same thing for a cross gen Pokemon Legends A-Z. Mario + Metroid + Pokemon would make Nintendo's strongest launch in history, even with two of them being cross gen.

3. Follow that up with Mario Kart 9 a little over a month later (similar to how the Switch did BotW in March and then MK8D in April), so MK9 sometime in July. Also have MK9 incorporate more Nintendo IP in terms of tracks, characters, and for the first time: items! Also have a full DKR-style mission mode for 1-player or multiplayer. I mean hell they've had a decade since MK8 originally released so they've had plenty of time to make a huge upgrade to the series.

4. Have NSO working on Switch 2 on day 1. And after the launch excitement and then the Mario Kart excitement has died down a little, announce by end of August that Gamecube is immediately being added to NSO Expansion Pack. And either have Wind Waker in the initial batch of games or release HD Wind Waker as a standalone title and add the original WW to NSO later on.

5. Announce that Switch 2 will finally move users away from friend codes to have actual searchable user names and regular online communication between friends, along with online play audio chat done through the system. So basically vastly upgrading the usability of online play.

6. Fall lineup includes long awaited Star Fox and Fzero sequels, with the big game being a fresh new 3D Donkey Kong game (hopefully done extremely well rather than the mediocre disaster that was the only other attempt at 3D DK haha).

The major blunders I want to see Nintendo avoid would be pricing the system above $400 and not launching with 3D Mario.

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1. Plenty of stock
2. Plenty of stock
3. Plenty of stock avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

DroidKnight said:

1. Plenty of stock
2. Plenty of stock
3. Plenty of stock

Honestly this.

I'm hoping I can grab one.

Pretty much what @DroidKnight says.

As long as the price is fair and they have enough stock to meet demand, Switch 2 will have a wildly successful launch and break tons of records. You obviously still want to have that big, killer app to at launch that everyone can sink their teeth into and play on the system. But this time around, you can be more flexible with the launch lineup and even the BIG, killer app launch title.

With Switch 1 back in 2017, it was still an unproven concept with many people doubting it - People who were on this website back then, myself included, will remember the endless threads and sales predictions for NX, and how for as much optimism around the Switch's sales potential, there was an equal amount of pessimism. And there was good reason for the pessimism - Nintendo was coming off their worst console generation and their biggest flop to date. And people had reason to doubt the Switch - So they absolutely needed a game like Breath of the Wild to get the system off the ground running and give it a chance.

This time around? They're coming off the best console generation and their biggest success to date. The Switch concept is a proven winner and people are clearly already hyped and eagerly awaiting Switch 2 - As long as Nintendo sticks to K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) and just keeps it the same, just far more powerful, fair price, and no ridiculous gimmicks, and actually CALL it Switch 2 so everyone knows exactly what it is - It will sell megaton numbers no matter what. So they don't need a super heavyweight like Mario, Zelda, or Pokemon at launch to sell people on Switch 2 - They're already sold! So just make sure the launch lineup is there and solid. And because they're already sold - I would use this opportunity to make the big launch title a game that: A) Can show off the amazing leap in power and graphics from Switch 1 to Switch 2. B) Comes from a franchise that, critically, is every bit as good as Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon, some might even say better, but, commercially, hasn't quite reached those levels of sales for one reason or another. Something liiiike.... Metroid Prime 4: Beyond?

It's gonna be mostly a matter of price and stocks on release.
They garnered such a huge install base that it's difficult to think a pretty good chunk of it wouldn't want to migrate on the next hardware almost ASAP if possible.

In that case, having the most robust launch lineup doesn't seem necessary but I do think Nintendo will reserve us good hitters in the first couple months to justify most purchasing decisions.

Don't know if any of it will constitute as true next gen leap like people are convincing themselves of but it's not a point I particularly care about imo.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

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- Superbowl Commercial with maybe some celebrities like Paul Rudd (throwback to the Super NES launch commercials) and Sabrina Carpenter (Switch reference in her Espresso song). Make it an event, marketing concept is a giant "2" descending over major cities and people all over the world asking "when is Nintendo going to make a Switch 2?" ... many different people from all over the world asking until it builds to a loud cresendo, System + rapid shots of games are shown, End tag is: "It's Happening, 05.05.25" or whatever the launch date is. Then you can have other commercials with people playing (ie: rooftop Karen, aforementioned celebs, etc.) the system in slickly produced ads in the vein of the usual Switch 1 spots.

- Lots of marketing throughout the rest of the year (NBA Finals, Euro league soccer, big draw TV shows, before summer movies, etc.).

- Mario Kart is my launch title with Metroid Prime 4 (has DLSS 4K mode on Switch 2 and maybe some other graphical enhancements) also launching day 1 and a lot of 3rd party stuff (Final Fantasy VII Remake, Street Fighter VI, COD Black Ops 6) etc. etc. and one new original unique kind of title that is more family oriented. 3D Mario and Pokemon Z-A shortly thereafter. I just think Mario Kart is more important these days.

- Maybe a cross promotion with Pepsi-Frito Lay (give aways).

- I know some people will hate this but I think limiting supply just a bit at the start so that some early sell outs happen and FOMO starts to grow isn't the worst thing in the world. It just feels like the moment some people are told they can't have something, they go crazy and the viral marketing and momentum the brand gets can be very impactful.

Last edited by Soundwave - on 16 January 2025

Slownenberg said:

1. Personally, I'd say late May / early June launch for right when kids and college students (at least in the US, no idea how other countries school schedules operate) have just gotten out of or are about to get out of school for the summer. Priced at $399.99.

2. Must have 3D Mario on launch day. And back that up with Metroid Prime 4 released cross gen on launch day with upgraded visuals for the next gen version. Same thing for a cross gen Pokemon Legends A-Z. Mario + Metroid + Pokemon would make Nintendo's strongest launch in history, even with two of them being cross gen.

3. Follow that up with Mario Kart 9 a little over a month later (similar to how the Switch did BotW in March and then MK8D in April), so MK9 sometime in July. Also have MK9 incorporate more Nintendo IP in terms of tracks, characters, and for the first time: items! Also have a full DKR-style mission mode for 1-player or multiplayer. I mean hell they've had a decade since MK8 originally released so they've had plenty of time to make a huge upgrade to the series.

4. Have NSO working on Switch 2 on day 1. And after the launch excitement and then the Mario Kart excitement has died down a little, announce by end of August that Gamecube is immediately being added to NSO Expansion Pack. And either have Wind Waker in the initial batch of games or release HD Wind Waker as a standalone title and add the original WW to NSO later on.

5. Announce that Switch 2 will finally move users away from friend codes to have actual searchable user names and regular online communication between friends, along with online play audio chat done through the system. So basically vastly upgrading the usability of online play.

6. Fall lineup includes long awaited Star Fox and Fzero sequels, with the big game being a fresh new 3D Donkey Kong game (hopefully done extremely well rather than the mediocre disaster that was the only other attempt at 3D DK haha).

I agree mostly with yours though point 6 won't have any effect on 1st year success, instead I would space out 3D Mario, Prime 4 and MK9 more (for example: launch, september, holiday) which is more realistic and makes more sense to keep continous hype throughout the year.

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

1. Stock. Shortages can make the launch months and year miserable. PS5 and Xbox Series were scalped like crazy. Wii was pretty tough to find for well over its first year, but that was probably artificial scarcity on Nintendo's part.
2. Don't wait until November unless you absolutely have to in order to mitigate shortages. June would be pretty perfect with July-September as more stretch months.
3. Mario Kart as the launch title. I'd rather play 3D Mario first, but Mario Kart is now bigger in Nintendo's eyes based on the sales data.
4. It has to be $400 or under, with similar pricing around the world. $450 or more for a Nintendo platform is simply ridiculous.
5. A native Switch 2 version of Metroid Prime 4, and it would make the most sense to have it as a launch title.
6. Early third-party support at launch or the launch window. It will mostly be ports as the heavy hitters: Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, Red Dead Redemption 2, Persona 3 Reload, & Grand Theft Auto V.
7. 3D Mario within the first 6 months.
8. Overhauled NSO with more features.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Go with the same strategy as Switch 1; a barrage of killer first party games throughout the year that clearly establish that this is a system with lots of games.

We've already seen Mario Kart; 3D Mario seems like a given as its been over 7 years since Odyssey, maybe Splatoon 4 or Xenoblade, a new IP, Prime 4, etc.

They just have to do the obvious and be reasonable and them calling it Switch 2 shows that they're not gonna be unreasonable. Mario Kart 9 and the next 3D Mario with some smaller stuff between those two is all that's needed game wise to guarantee that the Switch 2 is a big success long term. Showing games like BOTW running at 4K on it alongside announcing Gamecube NSO and third party games like Cyberpunk 2077 in the direct would be very nice bonuses to increase the appeal further.