JRPGfan said:
My geography is so bad I had to look up where this was. To those that dont know either, its a island thats between france and italy.
Attempted sexual assault charges.... lmao thats so Conor, guy gets drunk and does crazy things at times. (hes started bar fights, chased people, attacked people, throw a chair at a oppenent once right? he does over the top stuff for attention)
He seems like a a hole tbh (connor). Atleast with Jon Jones, he was a nice guy, he just drove while high as a kite and ran his car into a pregnant womans (and then fled the scene in a panic).
Jones has a litany of fuck ups, outside the sport and in it. If anything, Conor is probably more deserving of the "at least" treatment when talking about Jones. For example: At least Conor is a clean athlete, and hasn't popped for banned substances multiple times. And just to expand on the final incident you mentioned, "drove while high as a kite and ran his car into a pregnant womans (and then fled the scene in a panic)."....He then ran back to his car at the scene of the crash, removed drugs, drug paraphernalia, and cash, then re-fled in a panic.
Whatever though, they both have substance abuse issues, and are prone to stupid decisions.
Just realized you're being sarcastic. My brain is mush from months of sleep deprivation.