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Forums - General Discussion - Tell us something we didn't know about you

spurgeonryan said:
I think the replying and quoting was pretty straight forward before. Not sure why it was changed. I am not the brightest person, but I think you don't fix things that aren't broken. But if the site voted on a scary arrow button that makes you worried what you just wrote is going to be erased just to post, then so be it.

What is this thread about again?

Ahh yes, ganons crotch, long time member, good user from what I remember.

Actually, this thread is to tell us things we didn't know about you.  If you want to post about the person above you you can make your way over to here.

And I'm not sure I would say the mobile has ever been perfect on this site.  There were certainly periods where it was far worse than today...but this quoting structure is beyond bizarre.

Oh, back to the thread at hand:

Like many other members on this site, I am a musician.  I play acoustic guitar and sing and even host a monthly music night at my house.

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COKTOE said:
Polyludic said:

Do you post introductions of yourself in this forum, or another one on here?  I am back after being gone for years.  I had a number of life changes, no longer have access to my old email address since I imposed ban on myself being on this site.  I had my old username suspended and moved on.

I am back, because I am looking to do stuff in the area of competitive game playing/Esports. I am interested assisting in organizing leagues and tournaments.  My focus isn't on the major stuff, but on games you do not have to be online the same time to play.  Stuff like speedruns, pinball, retro arcade and single player Indie games are what matter to me.  

I can go into more details on who I am another time.  I just wanted to introduce myself again.  Things have changed.  I figured being on here would be a good place to connect again.

You mean....permabanned?

I guess that is it.  It may of been a permanbanned user request.

I'm not afraid to speak my mind, say it like it is and if need be, respond in kind

spurgeonryan said:
I once stressed out more about being banned here than even a family member dying. I vividly remember all the times I was banned her and went crazy on the mods, but cannot even remember the family member I was supposed to care about. Just that we were close and they died.

You don't even remember them yet you'd claim you were close with em? Odd, but such oddness is why I enjoy your post haha.

When i was about 6 or 7 years old i accidentally KILLED a chicken with a newspaper... im not even kidding.

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estebxx said:
When i was about 6 or 7 years old i accidentally KILLED a chicken with a newspaper... im not even kidding.

A newspaper is not dense enough to have the mass needed to actually beat a chicken to death and I won't even get into the fact that at 7 years of age one's strength is even more limited for such a task.

So how on earth did you succeed in killing a chicken with a newspaper?

CrazyGamer2017 said:
estebxx said:
When i was about 6 or 7 years old i accidentally KILLED a chicken with a newspaper... im not even kidding.

A newspaper is not dense enough to have the mass needed to actually beat a chicken to death and I won't even get into the fact that at 7 years of age one's strength is even more limited for such a task.

So how on earth did you succeed in killing a chicken with a newspaper?

I was on a farm located in a mountain and i was playing with the chickens by throwing the newspaper at them, however because i was a child and i didnt had the strenght, every time i threw the newspaper at them the thing would just open up and all the pages would just fall to the ground.

However after the second try i took the newspaper and i rolled it up real good and i threw it at them and this time it didnt open up, instead it hit the chicken and because the farm was located on a mountain, said chicken rolled down the hill...  and there was a lot of bushes filled with thorns on the hill from the beggining of it to the very end...

Yeah... the chicken rolled through about a 100 or more meters of bushes that had torns everywhere and it essentially suffered a death compared to a Mortal Kombat fatality... i remember crying that night telling my mom what i did and she actually laughed it off and told me it was fine, since it was an accident and all (not to mention i was a child).

EDIT: btw i was never expecting to actually hit the chicken since i was convinced i just didnt had the strenght at the time, i was just trying to scare them and in no way did i wanted to harm them, i was just a child that was being playful and... well it was just a sad accident.

CrazyGamer2017 said:
I'm not afraid to speak my mind, say it like it is and if need be, respond in kind

 Yeah i mostly do that too but i really not want to insult or be rude to the people i talk to so i always try to be respectfull,honesty is important but treat others like you want to be treated.

Immersiveunreality said:
CrazyGamer2017 said:
I'm not afraid to speak my mind, say it like it is and if need be, respond in kind

 Yeah i mostly do that too but i really not want to insult or be rude to the people i talk to so i always try to be respectfull,honesty is important but treat others like you want to be treated.

It's hard to follow that rule when no one else does. Do you really keep playing nice when someone is up in your face being an asshole? And I mean in real life where you can't just ignore people or swivel in your chair away from the computer screen.

Lonely_Dolphin said:
Immersiveunreality said:

 Yeah i mostly do that too but i really not want to insult or be rude to the people i talk to so i always try to be respectfull,honesty is important but treat others like you want to be treated.

It's hard to follow that rule when no one else does. Do you really keep playing nice when someone is up in your face being an asshole? And I mean in real life where you can't just ignore people or swivel in your chair away from the computer screen.

You get back at them the most when you calmly put them down,whenever you let yourself be upset you just become their puppet to trigger whenever they want.

That said,i understand some situations are different yes but overall you can still try to be nice in general.