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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The PC Platform is becoming the new home and definitive platform for the Final Fantasy Series (Prediction and Discussion Thread) (UPDATE 2025: Fulfilled)


What Final Fantasy game are you hoping will be released on PC/Steam next the most??

Final Fantasy I 9 7.20%
Final Fantasy II 1 0.80%
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster 22 17.60%
Final Fantasy IX 12 9.60%
Final Fantasy XII 23 18.40%
Final Fantasy XV (per announcement) 44 35.20%
Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions 14 11.20%


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Nah m8, iOS master race ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


 In addition they have their streaming stuff, which I think will include the XIII-saga, and VII (which is already on iOS) and VIII.

Define definitive? its the new home for Digital only platform

BasilZero said:
Teeqoz said:

Nah m8, iOS master race ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RIOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


 In addition they have their streaming stuff, which I think will include the XIII-saga, and VII (which is already on iOS) and VIII.

Touche, too bad half of those games on the list cant be purchased in the west and some of them are unreleased ;p

Also lol @ streaming because they cancelled the cloud based streaming service if I remember right.


Still, impressive that one through seven is available. And also, as you see, my list was just ripped from an FF wiki, and I saw that streaming shit as a side note, so I just threw it in there.

BasilZero said:
Teeqoz said:

Still, impressive that one through seven is available. And also, as you see, my list was just ripped from an FF wiki, and I saw that streaming shit as a side note, so I just threw it in there.

Yep its impressive - hoping for Record Keeper to come to PC so I can transfer my save file from my iOS version to PC but its pretty unlikely ;(!

Pretty sure FFVIII is gonna get a release on iOS since FFVII came out few months ago.

Future looks bright for a FFIX port/enhanced edition as well. Dont care if they port it from iOS/mobile to PC or the other way around - FFIX deserves it :O

So it will become obvious to everyone that they need to port FFX/X-2 HD remaster and Square will have to do it.

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If you don't mind waiting 5 years.

We can only hope it's FFXV. The game is bad as it is without being a 900p stutterfest.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

thats awesome!!!! I can't wait to see what the mods do when FF15 comes out on PC alongside the PS4 next year!!!

BasilZero said:
RenCutypoison said:

So it will become obvious to everyone that they need to port FFX/X-2 HD remaster and Square will have to do it.

Pretty sure they will - especially with the rumors of recent.

When FFX/X-2 HD Remaster was released on PS4 - it created a chance for it to come to PC - hoping it does.


Now that I think of it I'm gonna be double and triple dipping on some of these games :O!!!

RIP wallet

Square is the only publisher as of now for which i don't hesitate to thrown money 2-3 times on the same game.

Vanillaware(odin sphere HD) and Level 5 (rogue galaxy ps4) will follow soon(tm) tho.

Also still pretty sad FFVI didn't get ds treatment while VII is getting a full remaster. I want an orchestral dancing mad vs a 3d Kefka >______<

BasilZero said:
Ruler said:
Define definitive? its the new home for Digital only platform

There's nothing wrong with digital especially since future game platforms including Playstation will stray away from physical and focus more on digital in the future as the years ago by.


Definitive as in the following

-Ability to mod/edit the game
-Play at higher resolutions such as 4k
-Play at higher FPS than console versions
-b/c with the PC platform - you wont need to purchase the game again when you upgrade your PC

 and you dont need to sell your PS4 when the PS5 comes out

-More chance of going on sale than console versions and at a better rate alongside possible future bundles at sites such as Bundle Stars and Humble Bundle.

 digital console games go on sale all the time what is your point here? And with a Physical game market prices go down all the time for New and used games, in fact they go even lower and you dont have to wait for a sale.
-The ability to play on a big screen rather than from a mobile device (this is more to Teecuz's response)

i can play my PS4 and every console having HDMI on a PC monitor with a HDMI input, or i can just play up close on my TV and set the image to the size i want.



But anyways my point is you cant say its definite. If there is even one single aspect of a game better on consoles like having the game on a disc then its not definitive

Definition of definite in English:


Clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful: