EDIT: Now the survey is on Survey Monkey!
Just so no one gets too excited, THIS IS NOT FROM NINTENDO. In my marketing class we have to pick a company, think of a new product they could potentially release, and develop a marketing stratagy for the product. I will be giving a group presentation with a few of my classmates at the end of the semester. We had to make a survey of some questions that will help us for our project. The product we chose for Nintendo is the next Nintendo gaming device, possibly smartphone. The more people we get to fill out the survey the better, so any takers would be greatly appreciated. You can just write the number and the answer next to it. Also, feel free to discuss this topic of a Nintendo smartphone and all your concerns or your enthusiasmfor it. Thanks!
Nintendo Marketing Survey
Please help Nintendo develop a new gaming device over the next two years to replace the Nintendo 3DS family. By completing this survey, we will have a better idea of how we may help meet your needs. Thank you.
Playing Xenoblade 2 before I buy Xenoblade 3 (otherwise I couldn't wait to play 3).
Can they announce a new Fire Emblem? A remake of Genealogy or Tellius would suffice !