Your Thoughts?
Remember im not talking full on sales, just talking Shipped and Digital. Im sure we'll hear something next Quarterly Reports (Well Duh :P)My Guess is around 8.5mil together, it will be no less than 7mil obviously.
If it does get 10mil or close to it, my guess is 6.8mil will be 3DS and 3.2mil will be WiiU Your thoughts and guesses?
(BTW, for people thinking its impossible or wont get even close to 8mil/9mil, i'll just sit back and laugh :0)
♪ A Break Down Analysis to why Both Games Combined Can Reach, if not get close to 10mil Shipped+Digital ♪
★ [UPDATE #1] ★
★ [UPDATE 2] ★
★ [UPDATE 3] ★
★ [UPDATE 4] ★
⇒US: 3.3mil (2014)
3DS→ 2.0mil [2014 Sales] (Over 220k of that is Digital)
WiiU→ 1.3mil [2014 Sales] (40k+ of that is Digital)
⇒Japan: 2.75mil (All #s Ending Dec 28th)
3DS→ 2.234mil (232k+ of that is Digital)
WiiU→ 471k (Not Including Digital)
⇒Europe: 670k
3DS→UK 55k+ [just First Week)
WiiU→UK 35k+ [2 Days]
3DS→ Germany 100k+ (2014)
WiiU→ Germany 100k+ (2014)
3DS→ France 279k (2014)
WiiU→ France 100k+ (under 160k) (2014)
Total Official #s only= 6.67mil+ →→→ "SOLD" ←←←
Major countries still missing: Australia/Canada/(Some of UK)/ and other minor countries (in terms of sales)
All 3 Scenarios in Detail, under! Pls read and discuss
3 Scenarios Observation (Pessimistic/Safe Bet/Optimistic)
● [Scenario 1] = "Worst" Case Scenario ⇒Total: 6.12mil [4.72mil: 3DS + 1.45mil: WiiU]
⇒[3DS] NoA:1.8m Europe:500k Japan:2.3m RoW:50k
⇒[WiiU] NoA:650k Europe:350k Japan:400k RoW:50k
■ [Scenario 2] = "Expected Around" Case Scenario ⇒Total: 8.18mil [5.80mil: 3DS + 2.38mil: WiiU]
⇒[3DS] NoA:2.2m Europe:900k Japan:2.5m RoW:200k
⇒[WiiU] NoA:1.1m Europe:550k Japan:650k RoW:80k
★ [Scenario 3] = "Optimistic/Best" Case Scenario ⇒Total: 10.6mil [7.1mil: 3DS + 3.5mil: WiiU]
⇒[3DS] NoA:2.85m Europe:1.2m Japan:2.9m RoW:350k
⇒[WiiU] NoA:1.70m Europe:750k Japan:900k RoW: 150k
● Worst Case Scenario for Shipped Figures for SSBU+3DS as of now! ●
With this, im going to give you guys the worst outcome which will probably be almost impossible! So i'll be using SM3DW as the comparison to SSBU, and for 3DS i'll just give low estimates i've made up. Lets Gooooooo....
⇒SSB 3DS ( Nov+Dec shipments) *Bonus Nintendo reported 3.22mil shipped WW on SSB 3DS Western Release.
*NoA: 1.8mil (includin Canada+Mexico sold) Nov+Dec= 500k shipped
*Europe: 500k (Though its currently 370k sold, excluding digital, and lets say its overtracked by 100k-150k and shipment all together only hits 500k for the whole year lol)
*Japan: 2.30mil (its at 1.93mil now, but lets say stop selling and add in a shipment of a mere 370k, which also includes the unreleased Double Pack)
*Rest of the World: 120k (just random number and vgc has it about that currently sold)
Total: 4.72mil WW for Shipments in the worse unlikely, almost impossible scenario!!!
Now onto the SSBU WiiU Worst Case Scenario Shipments. I'll be using SM3DW as a comparison for 2 reasons. First it was released same time last year with a much less user base. Second, i dont think anybody disagrees SSBU>SM3DW. That said i'll also be adding 50k shipment at the end for this comparison... Lets begin!
⇒SSBU (Nov+Dec shipments!!!) *Note, Reggie said at least SSBU>MK8 pre orders(at least for the US), but we'll ignore that here!
*NoA: 650k (SM3DW did over 570k in the same time period)
*Japan 400k (SM3DW did over 332k first 5 weeks, SSBU will destroy it)
*Europe 350k (SM3DW did 330k but lets say overtracked, so 300k)
*Rest of the World 50k (random #)
*Total: 1.45mil WW for Shipments in the worse unlikely, almost impossible scenario!!!
Overall Conclusion???
4.72mil: 3DS Worse Case Scenario
1.45mil: WiiU Worse Case Scenario
6.12mil: "Total Worse Case Scenario "
■ The "Expected" Case Scenario for Shipped Figures for SSBU+3DS ■
With this, im going to give you guys the most expected outcome which will probably be around the final number! So i'll be using SM3DW/MK8 as the comparison to SSBU, and for 3DS i'll just give normal estimates.
⇒ SSB 3ds (i'll add in 100k+ for shipments for japan+us, though it'll likely be more, 50k+ Europe for my total estimatesin sales)
*NoA: 2.2mil (As of Nov 1st, sales are 1.2mil US only. This seems like a fair estimate if 50k was on store shelves and add in Canada+Mexico. Around 1.50mil then another 700k for shipment fr all of Nov/Dec)
*Europe: 900k (estimated on vgc about 370k sold excluding digital)
*Japan: 2.5mil (its about 1.93mil as of Nov 8th with Digital, maybe like 70k on store shelves about 2mil. I think an extra 500k is plausible, also Double Pack releases Dec)
*Rest of the World: 200k
Total: 5.8mil WW for around Estimate of What We should expect for SSB 3DS!
⇒SSBU (Nov+Dec shipments!!!)
*NoA: 1.1mil (SM3DW sold 570k sametime frame, MK8 did 885k with Digital in 37 days)
*Japan: 650k (less time to sell, but SM3DW did do 332k, and MK8 did over 350k Week 1)
*Europe 550k
*Rest of the World 80k
*Total: 2.38mil
??? Overall Conclusion ????
5.80mil: 3DS About Expected Case Scenario
2.38mil: WiiU About Expected Case Scenario
8.18mil: "Total About Expected Case Scenario
★ The "Optimistic/Best" Case Scenario for Shipped Figures for SSBU+3DS ★
With this, im going to give you guys an Optimistic/Best outcome! Nothing Impossible though like 10mil WiiU copies sold lmao. Anyway here is my optimistic/best outcome! Lets get that 10mil+
⇒ SSB 3ds (i'll add in a good amount off shipments for japan+US 100k+ Europe for my total estimates in sales)
*NoA: 2.85mil (US hits from 1.2mil to 2.1mil in sales with an extra 200k-250k Shipped, add in Canada+Mexico's having about 400k-500k)
*Europe: 1.2mil
*Japan: 2.9mil (1.93mil jumps to about 2.6mil, 300k shipment leftover)
*Rest of the World: 350k
Total: 7.1mil WW for around Optimistic of What We should expect for SSB 3DS!
⇒SSBU (Nov+Dec shipments!!!)
*NoA: 1.7mil (MK8 sold 885k in US and probably had shipment of 1.1mil alone, with Canada+Mexico add an extra 120k. SSBU will beat it!)
*Japan: 900k (MK8 did well, i think it'll do much better, and holiday release doesn't hurt, maybe sell 750k, 150k extra shipped)
*Europe 750k (well this probably the unlikely but what the hell, its Optimistic!!!)
*Rest of the World 150k
*Total: 3.5mil
??? Overall Conclusion ????
7.1mil: 3DS Optimistic Case Scenario
3.5mil: WiiU Optimistic Case Scenario
10.6mil: "Total Optimistic Case Scenario