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Here is another topic in this threat. Should EU Monarchs be above the law?

The Netherlands for most of it's existence was a Republic, with the different regions (we call them provinces) having a larger autonomy.

This ended after the Napoleon wars. The French revolutionaries had just occupied the Netherlands for 20 years till 1814. It was then that the bigger powers in Europe (England's Monarch, Russia's Czar, Prussia's Emperor) sat together and decided what to do with the low countries. It was decided they would remain independent, but not to a republic any more.

Most of the European Monarchies have family ties, so someone was rounded up and crowned the first King of the Netherlands in 1815: Willem the first. And the Netherlands became a Monarchy to this day.

All good and well and we Dutch like the color Orange and enjoy a nice party to huddle around. No doubt the royal family in this day and age helps to give the Dutch a sense of solidarity. So all good points. Except one.

In our constitution it is written that the Dutch Monarch is above the law. Laws in my opinion should be universal. So if we have Dutch laws they should count for all Dutch people. But alas not for the Dutch King.

This includes tax laws. the Dutch royals do not pay any kind of tax. This included the most disliked tax we have called 'inheritance tax'. Essentially when somebody passes away and leaves their belongings to spouse or siblings. The state wants to have a cut. No problem for the King.

This leaves a sour taste in my mouth about our Royals. It's nothing personal, but I believe Monarchs should not be above the law. For this reason, as long as there is no change in our constitution to address this, I would prefer the Netherlands to be a Republic again.

What about you? Do you live in a Monarchy? If so, are they also above the law? If so, what do you think about that?