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It's tough to decide between the GBA/GCN era, and the 3DS/Wii U era. The Nintendo GameCube struggled to stand out in a now crowded console market with the dominant PlayStation 2 and savvy newcomer Xbox, but at the very least, the Game Boy Advance was a white hot platform to keep them afloat. The Wii U on the other hand, just felt like it had no purpose to a lot of people.

* An HD system that wasn't going to be as powerful or easy to develop for as the upcoming PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.
* A bizarre name and marketing strategy that didn't make it clear it was a new system.
* A giant tablet controller that even Nintendo couldn't find any practical use for through most of its life.
* A severe post launch drought that didn't end until August.
* Crappy versions of multi-platform games with missing features and worse performance

It was all a storm of bad decisions and poor planning. And unlike the GCN days, things weren't sunshine and rainbows on the handheld side either. The 3DS suffered a subpar launch with a high price that only recovered after a drastic price drop. And even then, it took Nintendo several years to turn it into a truly relevant platform after various re-designs, third party deals, and exclusive game releases in an era when Smartphone gaming was at its peak.