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Phenomajp13 said:
zeldaring said:

ps2 had massive long life as well, it was pretty close. Doesn't really matter the next gen even proved the point in bigger way. we had  260 million home consoles sold WW with japan selling the same amount as 6th gen, with the amount of growth we were seeing japan never  even got close to growing in home console sales like the rest of the world. The nes should have been the beginning but it was basically near the peak.

There are several factors to why things are what they are, you don't get to determine what Japanese people are allowed to purchase. If Sony/MS want to do better in the region, then they should build a platform that can compete. If third parties want to do better in the region then they should release on platforms that Japan wants to consume such as PC, Mobile, and/or Switch.

I just stating my opinion and none of us determine anything. No one is gonna focus on the japan market when its just keep getting smaller, and other regions are exploding.