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I'd argue neither - Nintendo 64/GBC

Color was on the way to the Gameboy when the 64 released. Nintendo was riding high on the original Gameboy but didn't have anything "new" on the marker until the 64. I think having the Sony deal fall through, coming off the disaster of the CD-i and now for the next decade they watch the Playstation brand dominate the market. Not to mention Microsoft entering the fray and casually squeezing into second place, embarrassing Nintendo further as the Gamecube was a failure as well.

They lost third-party support and if it wasn't for the Gameboy Advance they were hanging by a thread in the, at the time, very niche gaming market. Thank goodness for Halo and Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty making the medium mainstream, three iconic franchises Nintendo had no hand in popularizing.

Imagine being an investor or management in Nintendo from 1994 until 2006 - it had to be nightmarish to watch your company be left in the dust so suddenly and so sharply after what you'd done for the gaming world.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"