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G2ThaUNiT said:

I personally haven’t played the Souls games. Tried DS3 and after 10 minutes, and I knew it wasn’t for me. I honestly will never understand the fascination with the genre, but mad props to those that love them and put in the time and dedication to master them. As far as ranking the FromSoft games I have played, it would be:

1) Armored Core 2
2) Armored Core 6
3) Otogi: Myth of Demons
4) Lost Kingdoms
5) Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors
6) Armored Core 3

I wouldn't recommend DS3 as your first entry, I'd recommend Elden Ring, you can make it as easy or hard as you like and it has the most freedom in all aspects of the souls formula.10 hours. 10 hours is what it takes, or at least for me without Bloodbornen, to understand what the hype is about. There is a difficulty curve there that once you surmount it and everything clicks, all the systems that feed into each other, the patience required, the immensely satisfying gameloop, the medtroidvania style map design, the tension of holding your EXP and the possibility of loosing it, the adrinaline inducing boss fight, the feeling of exileration when you beat a boss etc. I could go on and on but I'll not change your mind, the dedicated fan base should be enough to make you curious and invest the time to get over the initial hump.