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LegitHyperbole said:

Exactly, it feels like you're building something significant in the games world but what gets ya hooked is taking a route once and then optimising that route to make it easier for future deliveries. It's the perfect game to platinum, has one of the most fun plats out there that really makes you delve into every aspect of the game. I had so much fun making zipping routes. Particularly this one from one side of the map to the another which was a huge trek on foot. 

Like hours to trek it first and then you set this up and make it in 6 minutes, it's so odd how such a tedious and boring looking task like simply using the zip lines themselves can be so much fun cause you built them yourself and became a psuedo cartographer analyzing the terrain and optimizing placment. T'was a dopamine inducing loop. 

Indeed. In my first play through (off-line) I spend many hours optimizing my zip line network. As you can see in the completion stats screenshot, left side.

Unlocking the maximum number of towers and then placing them in the most efficient way at max distance to quickly get anywhere on the map. And threading them through interesting places like around the Old Volcano Observatory

At the one minute mark in in the video. That area deserved more use in the game.

The most challenging (for me) timed delivery. It was ton of fun to figure out the most optimal route to get the last legendary rank.

Overall the game really gave you the feel of rebuilding the world. Much more so than TotK manages since you make permanent and real changes to the infrastructure in Death Stranding.

And yep, big dopamine rush to deliver a ton of orders at the same time after figuring out what to combine while using the way stations to temporarily store items for further mass deliveries. Best 'Tycoon' game since Transport Tycoon :)