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Halo 2’s Deathless LASO (minus Envy skull) run that was finally accomplished a couple of years ago. One of the most thought of impossible feats in all of gaming.

There had been feats accomplished before but, it included the Envy skull which gave Master Chief active camo rather than a flashlight which naturally gave players an advantage. So Moist Critikal/Penguin0 put out a bounty on whoever could accomplish the feat first.

For point of reference, Halo 2’s Legendary difficulty mode is notorious for being completely unfair. Everything one hit kills you and you can get to points where you’re insta-killed as soon as you spawn and there’s no getting around it.

And just for added difficulty, you have to have all the other Skulls (modifiers) enabled. Including the Anger skull (enemies fire weapons faster and more frequently) and the Assassins skull (all enemies are permanently cloaked, so you can barely see them) 

And there’s like 15 skulls in Halo 2. So yeah, it was thought of to be pretty impossible. Along with, NOT dying a single time through the entire run. Thousands of people went on Halo 2 accepting Moist’s challenge and it was a special moment for the Halo and gaming community when the feat was finally pulled off.