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Shtinamin_ said:

Personally, as a Trump supporter for this election, I enjoy sources, I think it's great to get a view of what is happening.

My real question... WHY are you a Trump supporter?

* He is now a convicted criminal. - With more legal woes coming his way.

* He failed to build the wall. - It got downgraded to a fence in places.

* He failed to get Mexico to pay for any part of the wall that got built, which he promised.

* He has constantly lied. I.E. Hillary should be "locked up" and then recently he stated he never said it in an interview.

* He tried to mount an insurrection and is now going to court over it with a verdict yet to be finalized.

* Trump has promoted Nazism by proclaiming a fourth Reich.

* Trumps father was part of the KKK white supremacists. Extreme racism. - This is Trumps role model.

* Trump has a long list of insults towards other people, organizations and entities... Yet will whinge like a child when the favor is returned and make statements like "No one has ever been treated the way I have!" - He literally treats others like it... That is a text-book narcissistic personality trait.

Always treat others the way you wish to be treated.

So inquisitively, I ask you this... Why would you support this bottom feeder? The guy literally belongs in jail.

I can't even think of a single positive thing he has actually managed to accomplish for the USA during his presidency... Most of the planet outside of the USA thought he was a brilliant clown-act that just kept on giving.

Last edited by Pemalite - on 09 June 2024

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